Apartment 2D

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Warnings: Fluff, abuse, dr!gs/alcohol, strong language. I don't recommend this if any of this severely bothers you

I flipped through my keys as my eyes scanned each and every one of them. My hands were shaky as I couldn't find the right one. I heard a door open behind me as I looked up and saw my neighbor. "Hey Y/N." He paused as he saw how much of a wreck I was. "Hey, hey what's wrong? He walked toward me as I fisted me hands, trying my best to stop shaking. I was nervous to walk into this door. This door held my worst fears and pain. He grabbed my hands to stop my shaking. I looked up into his beautiful blue eyes. "Bucky, I'm fine. Just stressed from work... so many hours." I slightly chuckled, trying to cover up the truth even if it was written all over my face. He slowly nodded his head. "Do you want to get coffee later? Or in the morning?" I finally found the right key and inserted it into the apartment lock. "I'd like that, how about when I head to work? Does 8:15 sounds good?" He turned on his heels and held a thumbs up behind him before we both walked into our apartments. I stepped in and closed the door. The lights were off but I could make out the figure on the couch as the tv light outlined his body. The apartment wreaked of alcohol and cigarettes... sometimes even drugs. I tried to enter as quietly as I could, maybe being able to sneak past and just go to the bedroom. My hopes were quickly stomped on. "You're late..." I could hear it in his voice as I stopped dead in my tracks. "I'm sorry... I just got distracted at work." He got up from the couch and slowly taunted towards me. "Mhm. And who was that you were talking with?" He was inches away from me. His breathe made me gag as it smelled of solid beer and whiskey. He cupped me chin... I wanted to barf, was this the man who used to love me? Liam. I had met him when I was 15, my parents died and I was left for dead on the streets. At the time he was 21, and I was vulnerable. At first he just wanted to give me a safe place. Then I got attached and we became friends. He manipulated me into thinking he loved me and I loved him. That act was shut down about 3 years ago. I wasn't able to finish high school so I had a low income job. He gave me a home and he manipulated me into thinking I had to keep repaying him after all the things I did for him. I could just move out, right? No. It was never that easy. His lips were inches away from mine. "It was the neighbor, he gave me some mail that was sent to the wrong address." He saw right through me. He always did. I'd been around him for most of my life, how could I of ever thought of hiding from him. He back handed me across the face. The smoldering pain turned into a weird numbness as I lifted my hand to brush along the spot. "Fucking whore." The tears were already waiting to stream out. "WHAT THE FUCK" I screamed at him. I shouldn't of done that. He pinned me against the wall and grabbed the closest thing on the counter. A steak knife. He put it inches away from my face as tears fell down my cheek. "Why do you do th-" Knock knock
"Hey, is everything ok in there?" Bucky asked in the same worried tone he always did when he saw me going home. Liam quickly put a hand over my mouth, "Ya! Just dropped a few things." I heard Bucky walk away as Liam lifted my shirt slightly. He ran the knife across my stomach as I screamed through his hand. He did his work before dropping me on the ground and walking around as I heard the bedroom door slam shut. I sat there curled up in a ball as my sobs rolled in. I was practically hyperventilating as my cry turned more into hiccups. I cried until there was no tears left to cry. I sat there for what felt like hours. I hesitantly stood up, grabbed a hoodie and a pair of sneakers and silently walked out of the apartment. I sat in the hallway with my hand inches away from the door. What if he's not awake... it's literally 2am. I took a deep breath as I quietly knocked on apartment 2D. It was quiet until I heard the deadbolt unlock as Bucky opened the door. His facial expression dropped as he saw what a mess I was. "Y/N?? Are you ok?!" He lifted his hands to take down my hood and rest them on my shoulders. I sat there avoiding eye contact before we caught a glance. The tears just started pouring out as I buried my face in his chest. He pulled me into his apartment and quietly shut the door. He guided me to the couch and gently sat me down. I had known Bucky for a few months. I never told him what happens in my apartment, even though I have a feeling he already knows. He embraced me in a hug until I slowly stopped crying. "Do you want to talk about. Do you need anything?" Yes. "How about we get that cup of coffee now instead." I peaked out of his arms to be met with a warm smile. He looked at the bruise across my face where I was slapped. He hesitantly caressed it. Usually I'd flinch at any near contact to my face, instead I practically leaned into his hand. I took his hand away from my face. I can't do this. No matter how unhappy I am with my boyfriend, I won't cheat. "Can we go get that coffee now? I probably won't be getting back to sleep anytime soon." He got up and grabbed a hoodie and coat, "Ya, me neither." And with that, we walked hand in hand to downtown New York at 3am with a guy who had a freezing cold metal arm.

Sebastian Stan shortsWhere stories live. Discover now