Chapter Eight

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While Akaza sleeps unbeknownst to him Kyojuro has decided to come over earlier, more specifically in the daytime. Kyojuro took it slow to see the town in a different film, sunlight. Since Hakuji had a sunlight allergy he always visited him in the night but he works in the daylight so why not help out, Kyojuro feels bored and desperate to help or do anything he cannot stay at home all day and do nothing but sleep.

Once Kyojuro made it to the inn Akazas mom immediately recognized him and pulled Kyojuro in, happy to see him " What a pleasant surprise!— Hakuji isn't feeling well so I'm sure seeing you would cheer him up ". Kyojuro nods but sees the uncomfortable looks of the other inn stayers. Kyojuro decides to put his sword up since it was just a visit to Hakuji and its daytime so there isn't a need for it. Akazas mom usually lets him keep his sword but felt uncomfortable about it— she probably hasn't been introduced to demons so it was understandable— Kyojuro lays the sword at the front allowing Akaza's mom to move it as she pleases. Everyone once the sword was out of his hands went back to their hushed conversations about the day, how it's lovely or other things Kyojuro had no interest in.

Akaza's mom shoves a tray with a bowl of soup on it into Kyojuros hands "Can you take this to Hakuji—? He hasn't eaten anything today so i'm hoping you can get him to eat '' She looks worried for the boy she's claimed as her son but obviously can't leave since she has other work she must do. Kyojuro nods as she places a key and number on the tray— Hakuji's room number— Kyojuro smiles as the older woman shuttles off to take care of work; the woman obviously was trying her hardest but it was increasingly harder to do the work she needed to do, Kyojuro sympathizes for the woman and Hakuji knowing she didn't have much time left.

Kyojuro softly knocks on the door hearing no response he decides to go in anyways. The scene before him was an unkempt room with blankets sprawled out over the floors Hakuji positioned perfectly in the middle of the bed, the blankets he had used thrown off him. Hakuji's expression was pained— as he had shallow breaths gnawing at his pillow. A while back Kyojuro noticed Hakuji's demon-like teeth and tried desperately to ignore it. Akaza looked like he was desperately trying to remember something— something important to him?— Kyojuro pulled a table to the side of Hakuji's bed, placing the food on it.

Kyojuro slightly shakes the other to get him awake " Hakuji— Hakuji,,, you need to eat. '' Akazas eyes flutter open looking at the other before grumbling disapproving of being awoken by the Hashira. " What—? I'm not hungry," Akaza tries to dismiss but even the mention of food makes Akaza's stomach roar. Kyojuro laughs at the other before trying to help him sit up; Taking the spoon, Kyojuro moves it to Akaza's face " Try— if it doesn't work then you don't have to, but it could also make you feel better " Hakuji frowns knowing it wont work but takes the spoon full of soup anyways, Kyojuro then hands the spoon to the other so they can eat without his assistance. Akaza pokes the spoon at the food for a bit before he drops it out of his hands and covers his mouth. Akaza's body began shaking, he was used to throwing up food, demons do it all the time after the consumption of human foods, but it was much worse being sick.

Kyojuro snaps into action, leaving the room only to bring a bag into the room feeling remorse for the other as he empties his guts in front of him. Kyojuro runs his hand through the other's hair realizing it's much softer than he expected. Kyojuro initially planned to detach the hair stuck to his head from sweat but instead held Hakujis hair from his face, even though Hakuji's hair was nowhere near as long enough to get dirty from his retch Akaza coughed a few times before looking up from the bag.

Akaza was unsure on what the hashira was doing with his hand but didn't mind, it was warm and his body was cold. Akaza was cold all the time no matter what he did, which made sweating worse, all he felt was cold sweats. Kyojuro retracts his hand away realizing the other had been staring at him " I'm sorry— I forgot I had it there " Akaza laughs at the Hashira's bashful nature. Akaza slips back into bed looking at the Hashira, almost thrilled to have him come to visit him.

" So why did you come to visit so early today, Kyojuro—? " Akaza questions not ready for him to leave again. Kyojuro surprised by the unusually nice Hakuji— so it wasn't only in the springs that he would be nice— Kyojuro smiled knowing the other was warming up to him " I came to visit you in hopes to have more time together— but you are sick so I should be going now " Akaza frowns at Kyojuro's nature to leave— like he had to always be doing something. " You can stay, I won't mind— it's just a stomach bug anyways " Akaza tried to plead with Kyojuro to stay; it worked, very well in fact Kyojuro moved the table back and pulled up a chair. " Then I shall stay— why though? "

Akaza blankly stares at the Hashira. He was so pretty all the time, especially now. Usually the Hashira was illuminated by the moon giving him cold hues; The contrast of warm and cold hues was a brilliant show, he looked softer and more angelic, it explained his tragedies in the most beautiful of ways. However, there was no moon out, the sun's rays graced him for being a human casting a god-like yellow film over Kyojuro's face, all of his features that deemed him handsome brought forth all at once. There was no longer the crashing of colors but the beauty of a perfectly done pallet.

" Hakuji—? " Kyojuro looks confused as Akaza had obviously zoned out at the question. Hakuji flushed at the calling of his name hoping desperately Kyojuro couldn't read mind " Sorry— I zoned out, but, Isn't It obvious by now? I enjoy your company enough to no longer be repulsed by you, however, any other hashira I will kill " Akaza jokes towards the end though Kyojuro is unamused by it because he couldn't tell if it was a joke or he was serious.

Akaza pulled Kyojuro's hand to him, playing with it as though he's never seen one before. Akaza dances his fingers along Kyojuro's callused hand taking extra time on the tips of his hands kneading the skin where needed— Akaza was massaging his hand— and quite tenderly at that with such a serious expression. Though what Akaza was actually doing was trying to disguise transferring heat from Kyojuro to him. Akaza wanted to know what the sun felt like and he was so close. Akaza bites his lip softly, careful to not draw blood.

" Don't do that— " Akaza looks up to Kyojuro, who was wearing a face of dismay " What—? " Akaza said slightly annoyed " Don't bite your lip— it exposes your teeth " Akaza was baffled by Kyojuro, Akaza really didn't want to have this talk. " Whats your problem with my fucking teeth?! " Akaza was pissed at Kyojuro. " You look like a demon—?! Who wouldn't tell you to quit it, if you're not a demon don't pretend like you are. what are you— a demon child? " The words that rolled off Kyojuros tongue felt like poison. Akaza's heart tightens at Kyojuro's words and his throat swells. Something about the words 'demon child' made him unbearably angry, but hearing it from this person here and now was much worse.

Akaza's face heats up but he's able to keep his emotions in check. Kyojuro's face shifts to being almost apologetic but Akaza soon realizes why. Warm liquids trailed down Akaza's face, which he wipes them off with his hand " I'm so stupid " Akaza mutters to himself before laying back down in bed and rolling over " Go away— I don't wanna see you anymore " Kyojuro reaches his hand out to maybe convince the other, Kyojuro was regretting his words now. Akaza grabs his pillow and throws it at Kyojuro practically seething with rage " GET OUT! I don't wanna see you anymore, use your ears and just leave! " With that Kyojuro tosses the pillow back to Akaza and he leaves to let him calm down.

Kyojuro wasn't going to let this be the end of their relationship but his words were insulting, no one would want to be called a demon ever. Akaza watched his door intently, hating Kyojuro for saying that to him; Especially when he felt they had just became friends. Akaza was also mad at himself for not being able to brush the insult off but he was just in the moment. Akaza's eyes hurt, he forgot he could let his emotions run free in the human world but he still hated how they chose when they came or left.

Akaza looked to the chair Kyojuro had sat in, noticing something— his haori— Akaza peaked back up at the door before grabbing it from the chair taking the seams into his hands, ready to pull it apart, something made him stop however. The haori was warm like him and gave off a small distinct smell he had. Akaza's hands softened on it before he pulled it over himself laying back down with the pillow to his chest— a quick nap then he will go apologize— Akaza nods at this plan as he drifts off to sleep faster than any time he has tried.


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The Moon and The Sun Shared The Sky (akaren/renkaza)Where stories live. Discover now