Chapter 2

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*Next Day*

*Weslyn POV*

I was excited to start my day today would be the day I began training with Batman and Robin. I didn't even want to go to classes and wanted to run to the Batcave right away. I stepped outside my room to see my aunt on the futon asleep. When I came home last night, she still wasn't home, yet she must have had a late shift. I smile at her before quietly grabbing a bagel and carefully opening the door to leave.

When I exit the building, I was greeted by a smiling Dick Grayson. I gave him a big smile in return and a little wave. "You seem happy today." He laughed.

"Ya." I smiled.

"Did something happen last night?" He questioned.

"Nothing in particular." I shrugged.

"So, you weren't able to give Robin your drawings?"

I immediately stopped at his question, "I completely forgot about that!" I grab my head in frustration. "Grr!"

Dick laughed at me, "Maybe next time."

"I will give it to him one of these days!" I exclaimed before continuing on my walk to school.


After class, I excitedly ran out of the school building ready to run home, get changed, and begin training.

"HEY WAIT UP!" Dick yelled as he ran up behind me. "You must be excited to go home today to forget about me?"

"Sorry, Dick." I scratched the back of my head, "I just have a cool project I want to get started on."

Dick smirked, "Which is?"

"Uhm... A new photo of Robin was posted on the uh Gotham Gazette and I want to paint it." I stamper lying straight through my teeth.

Dick glared at me a little bit, "Weslyn are you lying to me?"

My eyes widen in panic, I don't know what to say to him I don't usually lie to him.

Dick interrupted my panic with a quick laugh, "Weslyn I know you're going to try to give Robin your drawings tonight. You don't have to hide that from me."

I sighed in relief, "Yes, I'm sorry." I was so relieved that he came up with a cover that I almost missed the frown that replaced his laughter.

"Just be safe about it I don't want to get a call and hear you ended up at the hospital for recklessly putting yourself in danger." He elbowed me slightly grinning. 

I laughed, "No promises, but I'll try my best" giving Dick I smile which he returned, and we began walking to my apartment to discuss our school day.

I wave goodbye to Dick before running to my aunt's apartment maybe a little too fast as I ran up the stairs in a matter of seconds and ran face-first into the wall. Once I made contact with the wall my speed disappeared, and I fell to the floor.

"That's a first?" I commented to myself rubbing my head. I got back up and slowly walked the rest of the way to the apartment.

The apartment was once again empty, the futon was put back into a couch and made. Right on time, my left foot began to vibrate causing me to trip to the floor before the vibration takes over my entire body. It's a good thing my aunt always has the night shift, or she would be very concerned.

I took off to the cave grabbed a granola bar then ran into my room to get my usual running outfit and took off through the window. I laughed in glee running through the city and to the Gotham woods. Once I got closer to the cave, I noticed the dark figure of Batman standing outside waiting for my arrival. I attempted to come to a full stop right in front of him but slip on a pile of mud and slid right past him before landing in the mud. The mud splashed over my face and covered my eyes. As I wiped the mud off my face, I was met with the looming figure of Batman staring down at me in disappointment.

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