Chapter 3

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Weslyn POV


It's been about a month of long training with Batman and Robin, but today is special. Today I get to train with Uncle Barry. I jumped up and down in the Batcave waiting anxiously waiting for him to meet me here.

"What's gotten you so excited?" Robin asked as he entered the cave from the stairwell.

"Well since Batman has that meeting with Flash, Aquaman, and Greenarrow tonight Uncle Barry decided he is going to come over early and see how my training is going," I told him excitedly and then continued my jumping in front of the zeta tube.

"AWW, so you won't be training with me today." He pouted, "But I had something big planned for today."

I shook my head with a little giggle, "Sorry Dicky." Just then the zeta beam announced Flash's arrival.

As soon as he came through the Zeta beam, he ran over to me at full speed and picked me up spinning me in a circle, "How is my favorite niece doing!" He laughed as he put me down.

"I'm good Uncle Barry!" I laughed in return.

"I'm doing well too thanks for asking," Dick interjected himself in the conversation.

Flash looked over at me then back at Dick then back to me before speaking super-fast, "Are we still mad at him?"

I laughed before responding in superspeed, "No we made up a while ago."

"Ok, last time we talked you seem pretty mad are you sure?" He asked referring to the last time he stop by the cave and I told him about our fight, not so much the identity reveal part.

"Yes, Uncle Barry we are all good now" I laughed once more.

I looked over to Robin to see him wide eye and very confused. "Are you talking about me?" He questioned pointing to himself.

I laughed even harder, "let's get out here," I told Uncle Barry in super speed.

He smiled and we both took off leaving Robin in the Cave alone still pointing at himself dumbfounded.

"So how is your training coming?" Uncle Barry asked as we ran out of the cave and made our way into the woods.

"I'm making a lot of progress," I spoke excitedly, "I can now actually spare with Robin without him immediately pinning me. I can actually control my speed and when the episodes happen. Oh, and my record for running around Gotham is now 82 seconds."

"That's awesome!" He exclaimed and reached his hand up for a high five, "That means you're going at almost Mach 2 make it 75 seconds and you are there!"

"Want to see if we can cut it down to 80 seconds then!"

"HECK YA!" Barry yelled and pulled up a timer on his watch, "Ok 1, 2, 3, Go!"

And with that, we both took off around Gotham as fast as we could.


It's now been two months since I started my training, and I was sitting in the Batcave bored. Both Batman and Robin got called out for a mission and I was left here to sit and watch the comms.

"Miss West?"

I whipped my head away from the giant monitor to see Alfred at the bottom of the stair. "Hey Alfred, what's up?"

"I have something I would like to talk with you about upstairs." He then turns and began walking up the stairwell.

I quickly jumped out of the seat in front of the computer and ran to catch up with Alfred. We stepped out of the Batcave and into Bruce's office through a grandfather clock. We then made our way through the mansion halls and stopped right in front of a door with a pin-coded lock. Alfred quickly typed in the password and swung the door open and turned on the lights revealing a giant sewing room.

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