A Thousand Years

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It was about a hundred years after my birth, me and mother got into a relationship, Sariel and Tarmiel were turned into graces

I was unfortunately not human, I had 12 wings like my mother along with a boost in purity of holy spells like Ark, which can even damage the DK, I also had the demon mark but it was unnecessary since I could control darkness and it's pure form like father without using it and the result would be the same

I also had clothes since I didn't want to be naked, my clothes were made by me personally and it somehow ended up to be chinese style

That is what I wear all the time since mother told me I had to wear something fancy and boy was it uncomfortable, it seems I got Adam's habit of not wanting to wear clothes

During these years, I have been with Chandler and Cusack the most since they were like the goofy uncles and they would make me laugh, how cruel it would be if they died, sigh but that's what's according to the plot, I also have to make an ability that could imprison even Cath Palug, I suddenly realized that the DK and SD could imprison mother chaos itself, I'd have to ask mother to show me in the future or at least during the holy war since both the Goddess Clan and Demon Clan would be forced to go back to their realms, well the Goddes Clan only, the Ten Commandments would be sealed in the coffin of eternal darkness

After about a thousand years of living, it was finally time for the holy war, Elizabeth and I were lovers along with Merlin, Melascula, Derieri, Gowther, Gelda (I forgot to add her), Aphrodite, SD and Eve

I met Eve and Aphrodite when Chaos created humanity, they were one of the first humans, my mother agreed to my relationship after some comforting since I could tell she was jealous

I have also copied every ability of the ten commandments, the 4 graces including Sunshine, Merlin which was actually much more than the SD and DK etc.

If you assume that the DK's prime power is a million and he split it in half thus diving that power into ten which was the ten commandments, then now I am stronger than my own father and mother since theu split their power in half to create their subordinates known as the ten commandments and the four graces

My strength was 300,000, my magic is 350,000 while my spirit is 100,000 which totals to 750,000, thus I was dubbed as the strongest person even surpassing the strength of the supreme deity and demon king

I was very wary of the future and I don't trust Arthur enough to give him that much power so I gave an idea to Merlin to make me the heir of Chaos' power

I also succeeded in asking about how my mother and demon king sealed Chaos and taught me how to use it, in fact I made a better version which could seal anyone and drain their powers until there is none left, even their life force, this was my ultimate move against Cath Palug since I tried it on the real Chaos which I encountered a short while back and succeeded but didn't let the SD and DK know

I had friendly relationships with every race and was welcomed by them all as a special guest when I visit

When I first went to the Fairy Forest, they were hostile since I had a demonic aura but soon became friendly since I spent my time there and was friendly with them, I also became friends with the first fairy king Gloxinia and learned all his abilities with his consent of course

I was surprised to find 3 fountains of youth, the first was true immortality which only the DK and SD or someone with equal power or above could deal permanent damage, the second was reincarnation which lets you keep your powers and reincarnate you but without memories and the third was what Ban drank

The fairies gifted me the first and told me that it was because of the Sacred Tree telling them to 'give it since so many are trying to drink from it only to fail so it is better to give it to me with a friendly relationship with them even though fairies are weak', they also gave me the second fountain of youth since someone might drink it too, so they entrusted me of protecting it, I was worried since the sacred tree needed a supplement but it only needed one fountain of youth

They also gifted me with a super strong spear that could even kill the DK and SD, it was a Divine Spear and they haven't named it yet so I decided to name it Divine Spear Vasavi Shakti from Karna's OP spear

I admired the spirit spear the most out of every weapon in the anime and manga since it is like being a party but solo, it is a weapon, it is a tamed beast, it can immobilize opponents, it has an ultimate laser beam, it can do AoE, it can be an armor, it can heal and even resurrect, it can lead the way to an escape route and it can give others immortality like it, the last was because I merged it with the second fountain of youth

Next was the giant race, they were like dwarves, very roudy but treats each other likes bros, even Drole was like that, I even challenged Drole to a drinking contest which I won by a landslide

And last but not least, I visited the human race once they were created by Chaos, she was sealed due to her favoring the human race by my parents, when I visited, I saw Eve and Aphrodite, I fell in love with them and they also did to me, unfortunately my ex didn't reincarnate as Eve but she still reminds me of her so it's still a win, Aphrodite was like Akeno but what I didn't expect was that she was an M while Eve was as innocent as a child

I helped the humans with what their building and eating so as to decrease the deaths

I also visited the demon realm and learned the abilities of all of them except for Grayroad and Fraudrin since they were basically useless, Grayroad only knows how to use curses and I already learned them from my parents which were much stronger

I was never really considered an enemy to any race since I was a mix of a goddess and a demon so I was welcomed in every clan since I was a sign of a once beautiful peace

While going to some places in Britannia, I found the vampire royal family and I wondered why they were here and not in the demon realm, I found out that they didn't have a good relationship with the DK so they moved here in case, I also met Gelda within the group and we fell in love, she was welcomed by Eve but I kinda think that Eve wants to show her superiority in the harem but eh, she's kind and I know she won't do anything bad

This all happened before Meliodas, Elizabeth and Zeldris were born, Mael also wasn't born when this happened

After Elizabeth was born along with Meliodas, I pampered them like mother but I want Elizabeth to be my lover too since she was also like Eve, she was happy and would bring hope to everyone

I know it's wrong to love your sister, but I'm not his brother in a way since I was a soul living on earth, and besides, I'm at least not her full blood brother, just a step-brother

As I was going back to the celestial realm, I was picked up by Ludociel after I exited the demon realm, whenever I go out to somewhere that isn't in a realm, Ludociel will accompany me as a body guard, that was what mother said if I wanted to have her permission to explore, even though I was already stronger than both mother and father

After exploring the whole of Britannia, I had learned many spells thanks to Belialuin, that city was really advanced, the rest of the humans can't even build tribes and they already built a whole city, there was also two spells that caught my attention, first was a sealing spell and the second was an attack spell, both could seal and kill chaos for eternity

The sealing spell is called Chains of Fate and the attack spell is called Hell: Tartaros, it requires the blood of Chaos' children, I'm guessing the DK and SD's blood and the flowing water out of the fountain of youth from the sacred tree, I already gathered it all since it might be useful, the other things I got were the feathers of the supreme deity, the darkness of the DK's demon mark and a bark from the sacred tree

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