Ronald Weasley's Stay Went Wrong

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*Hermione's POV*
It was a peaceful night. The cold wind rattled the windows of our house. It was mid-November and flakes of fresh snow were starting to fall from the yon skies.
Myself, Hermione Jean Granger-Weasley, a ministry worker. Precisely, the deputy head of DMLE (Department of Magical Law Enforcement).

I arrived home at half past five with loads of paperwork. There had been an accident near Northampton and the workers of my department were sent to rectify it and Obliviate the muggles. No easy task, yes. This is the reason why I am sipping tea with a quill in my hand at half past ten in the night. With such work and position, brings such paperwork argh.

Not that I hate paperwork though.

It's just that Rose and Hugo are staying over at The Burrow. Hopefully, they won't cause dear Mrs Weasley any trouble.

Not to mention, Ron has to stay at the Potter Manor tonight, lest I get disturbed by his midnight cries of, 'Hermione! I'm hungry! Get me some noodles! A bread! Bacon, anything!'

I wonder how he's doing...

*Ron's POV*
Makeshift Quidditch Pitch, Potter Manor, 10:45 PM
Ah, fresh air. Harry's Quidditch Pitch sure is brilliant! Maybe a game or two with my nephews wouldn't hurt and Ginny doesn't have to know that. I wish Rose and Hugo would have accompanied me but they chose their grandma over their dad. Literally?
Oh yeah right, they're my kids.

I walked the short way up to the front porch of the huge manor. Lights illuminated most of the windows of the manor, notifying the presence of the Potters. The manor looked majestic in white and red and gold and whatnot? It's my (most probably) 70th time here and I pretty much know the way around.

The air was crisp and clear with not a trace of some heterogeneous pollutant. As my walk to the porch ended, I heard the shouts of my baby sister who isn't so little anymore. Well, she was shouting at her baby, the one and only-James Sirius Potter.

*Harry's POV*

"But mum, I was hungry!" James's pleading was interrupted by a knock on the door. Must be Ron.

"I'll get it," I said as I stood up and made my way to the door. I'm pretty sure neither James nor Ginny heard the knock. They were, apparently, busy confronting each other about a chocolate cake made for Ron. Brilliant!

I opened the door to see the grinning face of my best mate, "Hello Ron," I greeted, "Please come in."

"Yeah, thanks mate, what's for dinner?" I rolled my eyes.

"Dinner honestly? You just arrived. I am not gonna cook for you. You have an appetite of a large monkey! Or maybe a troll... Whatever," I joked. But apparently, Ron took it Siriusly (seriously yes).

"What?! That's outrageous of you, Harry! I thought you'd be kind enough to serve your guest with some good food!" Ginny took this moment to enter the room. James was missing, most probably in his room, mumbling about being angry and getting scolded. I'm a great dad, ain't I? I know what happens with my kids after all.

"What is the problem, Ronald?" Ginny asked, trying to keep her previous irritation from interfering her question.

"I ain't getting food here tonight. I'm off to some lotel for dinner. See you soon."

"Wait, it's hotel with an h, not lo-" I tried but he had already Apparated away with a crack.

"What on Merlin's beard happened right now?" Ginny questioned me with wide eyes.

"Er...I just joked, I swear but he took it way too seriously."

"You mean Siriusly." she said stern-no, Siriusly.

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