Part 19

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B͓̽illy turns to Sidney, Gracie and Stuart's laughter is clear behind him, "Got the ending figured out yet? Times running out." Stuart leans his tall body over Gracie, feeling slightly woozy but his focus was still sharp on Sidney, "Come on, Sid. Think about it. Your Father is the chief suspect. We cloned his cellular. The evidence is there."

Gracie giggled, nodding her head as she continues the clue given to Sidney, but she makes them more straightforward, knowing Sidney had a hard time processing all the stabbing, slicing, and blood, "What if your father snapped? Your mom's anniversary set him off and he went on a murder spree, killing everyone. Except for us... we were left for dead."

"And then he kills you himself and then shoots himself in the head. It's a perfect ending." Billy laughed, the dark blood dripping down from his stab wound he was clutching tight. "... Everyone dies but us. We get to carry on and plan the sequel. Let's face it, these days... you gotta have a sequel." Stuart chuckle takes the knife from Gracie and cuts a long slice into Billy's chest.

"You sick fuck! You've seen one too many movies." Sidney yelled at the three, Stuart simply laughed at her comment while Gracie paid no attention, merely wiping the blood-stained knife to her dress, tainting it red. Billy looks at Sidney, bent over, crazed. "Oh Sid, don't blame the movies... Movies don't create psychos. Movies just make psychos more creative."

Gracie stumbles when Stuart had particularly put his whole body weight on her, seeing his bright eyes slowly losing focus told Gracie he's almost at his limit, "That's it, Billy. I can't take any more. I'm feeling woozy." Billy glanced at him, nodding his head, "Get the gun. I'll untie Pops." Billy moves to Sidney's father, who was lying on the floor, his back pressed against the cold tiles, breathing heavily due to the previous heavy beatings.

"Where'd I put it?" Stuart staggered around the kitchen, searching the foyer for the gun that should be laying around. Gracie took notice of the missing weapon as Stuart and Billy argue about the gun. "Where the fuck is it?"

Billy yelled out, his temper taking control as he rampages through everything. "Right here, assholes." Billy, Gracie, and Stuart look up in unison to see Gale standing in the front doorway, gun in hand. Her body, was tattered and bloody, hair a mess.

Expecting something like a worried expression to taint the trio's face but Billy simply ignores the older woman and points at Stuart, "I thought you said she was dead." Stuart shrugged his shoulder and said as a matter of a fact, "She looks dead. Still does." Gracie rolled her eyes, slapping the back of both boys' heads causing them to whine, "Clearly, she's not."

Gale holds the gun firm, in total control, "I've got an ending for you. The reporter left for dead in the news van comes to, stumbles upon you three dipshits, finds the gun, fumbles your plan, and saves the day." Sidney smirks, taking a step forward, for once feeling glee at Gale's presence, "I like that ending."

Gracie groans, fake gagging at the sentimental and cliché ending. She took a step ahead, giving Gale an easy target to her chest, "Why don't you shoot then?" Gracie smirked while Gale seem to hesitate by the younger's confidence, Gale pulls the trigger, but nothing happens, trying once more but nothing.

Gracie burst out into laughter, taking a few bullets from her pocket as she lets them fall into the marble floor, clicking and bouncing. "You had all those minutes of us rambling yet you didn't check the intake, that's just sad and stupid."

She charges forward, grabbing hold of the kitchen door, slamming it shut, hard on to Gale in the face, knocking her backward out the door. She goes down, out. "Damn, that was hot," Gracie caught Stuart's mumbles when she went to retrieve the gun from where Gale lays. When Gracie stood back up, turning back to the boys, she caught a missing figure between them, Sidney was gone.

Groaning out in frustration that no one kept an eye on her, "Where'd she go?" Stuart looks around, staggering now, bleeding heavily. Sidney has completely disappeared, only her father, bound and gagged remains in the kitchen roam. "Where the fuck did she go?!" Billy started snapping his head around looking for Sidney.

Gracie sighed as Stuart could no longer stand properly, needing something to support him as blood come oozing out from him. She went up to him, picking up the camera beside him as she films him, "How are you doing, Stuey?" Stuart mumbled back to her, slurring his words, as she took a step back. "Whew, I feel drunk!" This was able to get Gracie to giggle while Billy is at the back yelling out curses at the missing Sidney.

Suddenly, the phone rings. Billy and Stuart look at each other before at Gracie, wondering what to do. Completely surprised for receiving a call this late, Stuart mutters out, "Should I let the machine get it?" Gracie shook her head, gesturing for Billy to do it, he scrambles over to the phone and with a soft and polite tone, "Hello?"

"Are you alone in the house?" Gracie looks at Mr. Prescott once she caught the familiar broken voice, the cellular phone and voice changer was gone. "You bitch! Where the fuck are you?!" Billy yelled directly at the phone as he pace around, eyes snapping everywhere to get a clue.

Stuart had moved, placing himself on the chair beside the phone. "Not so fast. We're gonna play a little game. It's called GUESS WHO JUST CALLED THE POLICE AND REPORTED YOUR SORRY MOTHERFUCKING ASS?!" Gracie placed herself on the counter beside Stuart who laid his head on her lap as Billy looks around the kitchen.

"Find her." Billy is fuming now, slightly staggering and starting to lose it. His words were sweet to Gracie but when his eyes turn to Stuart, he unleashes his anger at him, "FIND HER YOU DIPSHIT!" Stuart whines like a child, rubbing his face into Gracie's thick thigh, "I can't... I'm worse off, Billy. You cut too deep."

Billy slowly places the phone on Stuart's shoulder, calming himself down as he mouths to him, so Sidney can't hear. "Talk to her..." Gracie gave the gun to Billy before he takes off for the living room.

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