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Shawn's pov

We've been studying for two. Fucking. Hours. That's definitely not what I had in mind when I asked Camila to tutor me. And you know what's even worse? We're in the stupid library. This is nerd's territory, I don't belong in here! Actually, I think even nerds decided this place sucks, because Camila and I are the only ones inside this hell hole.

«Shawn, are you even listening?». I snap back to reality when I hear her annoyed voice. «Come on, just focus! We're almost done»

I slump down on my chair and an unintentional groan leaves my mouth. «Somebody kill me now!»

«You were the one who asked to study together!»

«Okay, yes... but I didn't really mean to study!» I look at her exasperated. «The library, Camila? Really? I thought you didn't hate me!»

She rolls her eyes. «Well, I wouldn't brought you here if you were able to focus! When we're in your room you stare at me for half of the time, that's not studying... not that this place has really changed anything» she scoffs.

I feel my face burning with shame. «I wasn't staring at you!»

«You didn't even notice I'm wearing glasses, Shawn».

Okay, I might have paid particular attention on what's below her neck, so what? It's not my fault that she's hot! And the shirt she's wearing certainly doesn't help. But now that she mentions it, I notice how big and deep her eyes look behind those clear lenses. «Why do you never wear them? They look so good on you»

Camila shakes her head. «Yeah, sure. As good as my grandma».

«No really, you should wear them more often». Her cheeks turn a bright shade of pink and I see she's trying to hide her smile.

But then all of a sudden she slaps me behind my head. «I know what you're doing! Stop trying to distract me and let's finish studying. Focus Shawn, focus!» she scolds me.

«Damn, you're a snake» I mutter under my breath as I bury my face on the book.

Camila's pov

When I come back home for dinner, the house smells heavenly. Mom is in the kitchen and dad has just clocked out of work. I greet him with a kiss on the cheek, and I'm glad to see he smiles. I guess he's not as mad at me as he used to be. After all it's been more than a month after I've been caught cheating, and I've been nothing but a good girl lately, so I'm pretty sure I've earned his trust back.

I lay the table, everyone takes their sit and my parents start to talk about their day. They always do that, they act like two lovebirds, completely absorbed by the other, and even if part of me think there's too much PDA going on, I can't help but admire their relationship. They've been married for so long and they've never stopped loving each other. How do they do that?!

Eventually, I join the conversation and I tell them everything about my school day. «Reverend Mendes told us his son has improved a lot thanks to you» states my dad. «I wasn't aware you were helping him».

I downplay it a little. «It's nothing, really. Mary begged me to help her brother, and she's my best friend, I couldn't say no...». And that's actually the truth because I would have never started tutoring Shawn if it wasn't for his twin sister.

«You spend a lot of time with him?» ask my dad suspiciously, lifting an eyebrow.

«Not really, just a few hours a week. Why is it?»

He shrugs. «I don't know. I guess he's not among my most favorite people, you know, after he got you into trouble».

«Dad, I already told you, that wasn't only his fault. And we're sorry about it, I promised it's never going to happen again».

He opens his mouth to counter back, but my mom stops him. «Come on, Nicolás, forget about it. They're kids, it's obvious they mess up sometimes. But I trust our daughter, so I'll take her word for it». My mom winks at me, subtly smiling.

My dad sighs, defeated. «All right then. As long as you two behave, I don't see anything wrong in it». I nod slowly, showing off my poker face, while in the meantime my mind goes back to all the times I "tutored" Shawn. But before I can get lost inside those nice memories, my fathers snap me back to reality saying that next week he's going out of town for a couple of days. Since it's during the weekend, he convinces my mum to follow him, and I immediately step in, not wanting this opportunity to go to waste.

«Can I call some friends to stay for the night while you're out?». I bat my lashes and give them my puppy eyes. «It's just Mary and the girls» I add. Luckily it doesn't take much convincing, so as soon as I finish my dinner, I run to my room.

Phone in hand, I call my best friend. «Mary, I've got great news! Can you come over?» I say excitedly.

I hear some weird noises from the other side. «Uhm... can't right now...».

All I need is a second to put two and two together. «Oh my god, are you with someone?!»


«Why the hell did you even pick up the phone in the first place?! You know what? It doesn't matter». I hang up before my poor ears detect something they shouldn't. Damn, Mary has zero boundaries.

My excitement rapidly dies out, and I lay on my bad, bored. I'm not really on the mood to be alone right now. There's probably a hundred different people that would hang out with me in this very moment, but none of them seems worthy of my time. Except for one. I hardly believe myself when I text him.

C: Do you know how to climb a tree?

S: What kind of question is that?

C: Just answer!

S: So bossy!
S: Yes btw

C: Wanna watch a movie with me?

S: Am I required to climb a tree to do it?

C: Well of course!! You can't get in from the front door, my parents are at home.

After ten minutes he replies: Omw, be there in ten.

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