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Shawn's pov

Well, shit. Who knew this damn tree was this tall? I didn't for sure. When I said I could climb trees I wasn't necessarily lying, but maybe it wasn't entirely the truth. Sure, as a kid it wasn't a problem, but the more I grew up the more my balance got worse – I think it has something to do with height and barycenter or some other bullshit. And now, midway climbing this tree with no light that can help me see where I'm laying my feet, I ask myself if it might have been a bad idea.

At least if I fall and I break my head open, the Cabellos would still be around here to call an ambulance. Then I'd have to explain what the hell I was doing and there's a great chance that Camila's father will let me die on his yard, or he'd help speed up the process strangling me to death. I guess I got to climb this tree to the top and do it properly then.

«Shawn? Is that you?». Camila's voice scares me to death. Literally. I'm so focused on what I'm doing that I don't expect someone to call out my name, so I flinch and lose balance, almost falling off this fucking tree.

«Shit, Camila!».

«Oh my god! Are you okay?». She leans over the window and look down at me.

«Uh, yes, I think» I whisper, climbing over another branch.

«How much longer is this gonna take?». Is she for real? Exasperated, I sigh and keep on climbing ignoring her question. Once I reach her windowsill, I jump inside – not very gracefully. Camila stares at me, amused by the situation, and I glare at her.

«I'm not gonna do that again» I declare. She laughs and pulls me to her bed. I take a look around, noticing her room isn't too girly. White furniture and neutral colors decorate the space, and a queen-sized bed is placed against the biggest wall. The only thing that suggests this is her room is the gazillion photos she's hanged on the walls.

I take off my shoes and lay beside her, her proximity already messing with my head. Not to mention her barely covered legs, or that long neck of hers – usually hidden by wavy, dark locks but now exposed and oh so tempting. Get a grip, Shawn! You've been here for less than five minutes, you can't jump her bones right away! I clear my throat. «So, any romantic drama in program for tonight?» I tease her with a mocking smirk.

She elbows me, probably cracking one of my ribs. «Don't make me kick you out».

I laugh. «Alright, alright. But just let me say that I was dying to see you crying».

«Have I ever told you you're an asshole?»

«Countless times».

«Apparently they're never enough». She reaches out for her laptop. «Any suggestion?».

«Shrek?». A loud, hearty laugh leaves her lips, and I have to tape her mouth with my hand. «Shhh, you're parents are gonna hear you!».

She quiets down, only giggling lightly. «You did not just say that!».

«What's wrong with Shrek?».

«Oh I don't know, maybe the fact that it's a kid's movie?».

I shake my head. «I think you're just afraid you'll be too engrossed with it that you won't find the time to make out with me».

«Oh yeah? So you came here to make out?» she teases.

«Camila, I climbed a freaking tree, that by itself should answer your question».

Amused, she climbs over my lap and brings her arms around my neck. I feel her fingers starting to play with the hair on my nape and I shiver. «Just to make out? Nothing else?» she asks, her voice lower and sultry.

I shrug. «Making out sounds great, but if you're up for more that's even better». I realize my hands have been gripping her waist only when I feel the need to move them lower to grab something bigger. I swear her ass is something I never get tired of.

Too impatient to wait, I lean in and kiss her for the first time today. Earlier, at the library, it has felt like torture: having her near me and not being able to touch her was hell. But now, with our tongues brushing together, I can forget all about it.

Camila's pov

I'm not gonna lie: I didn't think Shawn could be this shameless, but I'm not complaining. When I invited him here for a movie night, it was pretty obvious I wasn't talking only about that. I was hinting more to a Netflix and chill kinda date, and apparently he got the concept right away. Given the fact that he's Shawn, I was sure it'd take him an hour or so before making a move, but I was wrong.

I shouldn't be surprised though, he's always been unpredictable. And a fast learner. He's showing it right now. Long forgotten is the tentative boy who wouldn't touch me for more than a few minutes. Now he's fondling and groping me with need, making me even hotter. His kisses, sweet and smoky, are addictive and it doesn't take much for us to get rid of our clothes.

Shaw's eyes are deep and dark, his usual honey color is replaced by an almost chocolate one. And I swear that as his mouth move lower on my body, his pupils expand more and more. When he reaches the spot where I need him the most, I'm a panting mess, and while every nerve feels like a live wire, I also need to be extremely quiet. His tongue brings me closer and closer, lapping as if he's a starving man, and when I finally fall over the edge it's like I've stepped over the gates of Heaven.

«Oh my god, where did you learn that?» I whisper out of breath. The smirks he gives me lifting his head still between my legs makes me tingle.

«Beginner's luck? Or maybe it's all those videos I watched...»

I snort. «You really need to stop making me laugh».

He crawls up over me and kisses me passionately. «Well, then you have to keep me busy». I don't make him repeat this twice, so I push him on his back and straddle his lap. And finally, we become a single person for a while. Our bodies are hot and sweaty from early-summer heat and exertion, and when we collapse back on the bed we haven't much breath left to talk. I don't even realize when we fall asleep together. 

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