Chapter 1

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It is a stunningly good day in Mobius.

The sun lights up the entire city, and every Mobian and their family are out and about, enjoying the amazing weather. Many are outside, spending the day at the beach, enjoying picnics by the lake, shopping, and the like. The small city is bustling with life on this summery Saturday. Any Mobian teenager (or just any Mobian, for that matter) would not be caught dead hanging out inside on a day like this!

Which, is exactly why Sonic the hedgehog and his friends aren't happy about being in detention.

"Man, today is going so SLOW!"

Sonic complains as he leans back on his chair, watching enviously at a butterfly flitting past the window.  He swings back on his chair, ignoring the essay he has to write. Sonic and the gang are spending their Saturday inside an English classroom at Metro City High School, writing  apology essays at Sonic's expense. "That's YOUR fault, you blue idiot!" Knuckles the echidna snaps from behind him, obviously not happy about being inside on a day so fine. Knuckles is from an island with wide open spaces and fresh air, and when he gets cabin fever, his patience becomes fragile. "Because of you, ALL of us are in detention!" He raps his large fingers on the desk in irritation, giving his friend a deathly glare, displeased.

Unfortunately for Knuckles, he only gets a chuckle in response. Trying to control his anger, he begins to take deep breaths, but who knows how long that will last. "Oh come on Knuckles, you got to admit, it WAS pretty funny!" Sonic grins at his comrade, leaning so far back his quills brush his deck. Knuckles growls, getting ready to slam Sonic's head into the desk. Looking over to the right, Sonic catches Amy grumble to herself from the middle of the room. "I could be spending my Saturday doing much better things than THIS!" She complains, blowing her fringe of quills out of her face in frustration. Her finished essay sits in front of her. It's done in pink pen, naturally. "But you hate Mr. Pollinsky too, don't you Amy?" Sonic asks with a confident smirk, sitting in his chair properly and turning to face her.  Knuckles misses his chance to get revenge, and sits there, seething. "Well, yeah, but what you did to him was TOTALLY not worth the sacrifice of my Saturday!" She grumps at him and ignores his gaze, despite how difficult it was for her. "Not to mention it's definitely isn't fair that we got detention too, we didn't even DO anything!" She tries to glare at him, but they both know it won't work. Amy has been head over heels for Sonic since day one, and him being so close to her is making the butterflies in her stomach swarm. "Aw come on! You know you enjoyed seeing the look on his face when I made him spill those feathers and glue on himself though, right?" Sonic pesters Amy and chuckles again, reminiscing the very moment that got all of them detention in the first place. "And then messing with them so he looked like a giant Mardi Gra chicken? C'mon Ames! You KNOW that's funny!" Sonic adds and leans in close to her, knowing it'd rile her up. Amy tries her hardest to hide a smile. It WAS funny. As soon as he sees Amy struggling to hide a smile, Sonic knows he's won her over. "You can't stay mad at me for long Amy." He smiles triumphantly with a hint of arrogance, closing his eyes and leaning back in his chair again. The only thing he truly admires about Amy is her loyalty to him. No matter what he does, Amy ALWAYS comes back to him. 

But of course, he'd never admit that to her. "She can't maybe, but I can." Rose, Sonic's best friend since kindergarten, snickers from the front corner of the classroom. "You had plans to hang out with me anyways, so I don't know what you're complaining about." Sonic shrugs at her, earning him a blank look. "What?" Sonic asks, and Rose just rolls her magenta-coloured eyes, before going back to focus on her homework. Rose's black quills, tipped with magenta, gently sway as she scribbles down some equations for chemistry. It wasn't her strong point, but once she put her mind to something, Rose would try any way or means possible to fix it. Her naturally long eyelashes and close relationship with Sonic made Amy jealous, but the two girls are good friends. The whole group have been friends since they met on their first day of grade school, and have became their own little family. Rose shifts uncomfortably at her desk, she's frustrated that she cannot finish this one equation. "Tails, can you help me with my chemistry homework please?" She asks, and Tails is happy to oblige. "Sure thing Rose! I've just finished my essay anyways." Rose moves to the back of the room to receive tutoring, sitting down in the desk next to him. "Thanks Tails, you know I suck at this!" Rose giggles and shows him what she's been working on. "You're actually not that bad Rose, at least you try, unlike Sonic." Tails teases, Sonic spinning around. "Hey!" He complains, and the two friends chuckle at his expense before settling down to study. 

An hour in silence passes, until Amy decides to cause a stir. She is always scheming to bring up some kind of drama as she gets bored easily. Amy lives for the conflict that imitates the reality shows she's addicted to, and Rose is her favourite target. "Hey Rose, have you met that new guy Shadow yet?" She asks cunningly, twisting around in her seat with a devious smile. Amy knows exactly what she's doing, and has the dirt to execute the perfect plan. Rose mumbles some equations under her breath, and scribbles something down before replying. "No I haven't, why's that?" She tries to multitask, with Tails showing her a diagram to help. Rose doesn't really care for Amy's talk about boys, she only hopes that at some point she'll give up on Sonic. "Apparently he's really mysterious, that's your type of guy, am I right?" Amy suggests, giving her a look to go along with it. The others know what is going on here, especially Rose. "Since when do you think 'mysterious' is my type?" Rose smirks a little, writing down some more equations with Tails, entertained by Amy's antics, in which she is well aware of. "Educated guess." Shrugs Amy. "Since you have a crush on Grayson Packer." She adds. Rose drops her pen in shock and her cheeks flush the same shade as the end of her quills, everyone staring at her. "You have a crush on Grayson?! Why didn't you tell me Rosie?!" Sonic whips around, angry at being left out. "Well, if I told you, you would have told everyone!" Rose shakes herself out of her shocked state and tries to defend herself, but fails in the process. "Well what did Amy just do?!"  Sonic takes a bite at her, and instead of taking the bait Rose just rolls her eyes. "Okay, Okay, Fair. Sorry Soni, I should have told you." She says to him monotonously, knowing the drill to keep him content. She even throws in the nickname she has called him since kindergarten. "Fine, apology accepted. You'd BETTER not do it again though, you're supposed to tell me everything!" He lectures before turning back around slowly and reluctantly. Rose shoots Amy a displeased look, her anger settling in now after the shock has worn off. She KNEW she shouldn't have told Amy about Grayson! In response to her friend's glare, Amy just shrugs, as if to say: 'What? It was obvious anyways!' After a frustrated huff and angry twitch of her nose, Rose returns to her tutoring session with Tails. Everyone forgets the dramatic ordeal, Rose involving herself in her chemistry study with Tails, who is a fantastic teacher. Amy files her nails, and Sonic struggles to find ways of entertaining himself. Knuckles has fallen asleep during the whole thing, and it's very likely that if the subject is brought up again, he won't even know what happened.

The English classroom at Metro City High falls silent, as the teenagers endure the rest of their detention on one of the most glorious summery days of the year. Not a sound can be heard in the near-abandoned school, apart from the scratching of pens on paper, and the gentle snores coming from Knuckles the Echidna.

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