Chapter 10

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Six months later, the gang graduate high school. Despite that he is two years younger than the rest of his friends, Tails is able to graduate with them. During her packing to go to college with the others a week after graduation, a suspicious letter arrives in Rosalie Martin's letterbox. After Rex gives it to her, Rose anxiously sits at the kitchen table with her parents watching over her shoulder. It's obviously from G.U.N, and it looks serious. "I'm so nervous." She says, holding the envelope in between her thumbs and forefingers. Rex gives her shoulder a comforting squeeze. "It's alright sweetheart. We're here for you." He says, Macey kissing the top of Rose's head as she quickly opens up the letter, taking a deep breath before reading it out loud.

'To the creation of Gerald, or rather known as Rosalie Martin.

It has been requested that you join us in protecting Mobius. We understand that you have been informed of your past, and would like to assist you in reaching your full potential. We have a facility in Metro City that would be more than suitable for your needs and training. On Thursday 23rd of March we invite you to inspect the facility and make a decision.

Many thanks,

Aaron Shanks,
Head of Military

Rose sits back and glances at the letter, her parents hugging her in excitement as she takes it all in. "Rosalie, this is huge!" Rex smiles. "We are so proud of you honey!" Macey smiles also and hugs her daughter. But Rose is confused. "Why are you proud?" She questions. "They want me for what I am. They don't want me because they saw my potential due to my grades in school or how I showed other good qualities like leadership." Her parents then look at her in guilt. They know she's right. "That doesn't matter, we know you did well in school. Mobotropolis High knows you did well, and as well universities you applied to." Macey explains to her daughter. Macey is sympathetic to how Rose must be feeling, but she hopes that she can convince her daughter to go back to the institute. "We really think this would be a fantastic opportunity for you. G.U.N could help restore your memory, and they can possibly fix your glitch, or teach you how to control it at least." Rex tries to sway Rose's decision also. "I guess so..." Rose trails off, although she's really uneasy. "And honey, college will always be there." Macey says. "I'm sure that after your time at G.U.N, you can go to college and study. They can pull strings for you." Rex gives her a wink. Rose smiles, and places her hands on top of her parents', which were resting on her shoulders. "I'm just unsure. I mean, will Shadow be there too?" She asks, becoming concerned. Since finding out about her relationship with Shadow, she has formed a feeling of uneasiness when he couldn't be around, and the same on Shadow's end. The pair were inseparable, and whether it was of their programming or just pure close friendship, some of the habits they picked up from each other were astounding as well as concerning. "And what about Sonic, Tails and my other friends? We planned on going to universities in the same area so we could still see each other..." Rose bites her lip as she thinks of the possibility of not seeing her best friends again. "I'm sure we'll sort out something sweetheart. But keep in mind that this facility could be everything that you need, and want also." Rex attempts to assist Rose in seeing the bigger picture, but she just nods and then heads upstairs to her room, she has a lot to think about. 

Rose flicks a text to Sonic, and in a matter of seconds he arrives, letting himself into her bedroom. "That's huge." Is all he says before sitting on the edge of the bed, looking down as she lies there. "I know..." Rose can only sigh in reply. In silence, she sits up, and leans her head on his shoulder. Like clockwork, his arm wraps around her. Since he could remember he had been Rose's rock. It was only in these moments that Sonic became really mature and understanding. In this particular moment, he is afraid that this will be the last time he can comfort her. "It won't be, I promise." Rose surprises him by guessing what he is thinking. "H-How did you know I was thinking about that?" Sonic asks her in a stutter, looking down at her in amazement. "Through your heartbeat." Rose says simply without moving at all, as if reading someone's mind through their heartbeat was a party trick. Sonic is confused and falls silent, wondering how to ask how she learned how to do that. "Shadow's been teaching me stuff like that." Rose explains, obviously reading his thoughts again. Sonic understands, and relaxes back on the wall behind him. "Will he be there, too?" He questions, not really caring much for Shadow, but only asking because he knows how much being without him at the institute would upset Rose. "I have no clue.." Rose trails off, and he can immediately tell that she's anxious. "Well, for your sake I hope he is, as much as I think he's a huge jerk." Sonic states, Rose giggles. "Thanks, I'll send pictures of us hanging out every single day just to tick you off." She teases, and Sonic is glad that Rose is in a better mood. "And I'll send pictures of me and Rouge for the same reason." Sonic grins, and Rose gives him a death glare. "You know I'm kidding, you dumbass." He chuckles at her, and she shakes her head, smiling. "You know what, Soni?" Rose asks after their chuckles die down, and Sonic glances at her to show that he is listening. "Even if I was my real age, I'd still want to hang out with you." She grins at him, and Sonic smiles back at her, touched. They embrace each other and hold one another tightly. "You're my best friend. I love you so much." Rose says and feels Sonic hold her tighter. "I love you too, even if you are nearly seventy and need a walking frame." He teases her yet again, and they just enjoy the hug for the moment, enjoying each other's presence and deep breaths, questioning if it is going to be the last time they are able to do so if Rose leaves to attend the government operated facility.

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