Chapter 16

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"Okay Tails it's your turn!"

Amy announces as she turns to the left of her, Tails looking incredibly nervous, he wasn't sure about this. "So you spin the bottle first, then roll the dice." She instructs him, and Tails gives the wine bottle a good spin, and in which lands in the direction of Silver. His face falls, he'd seen the dice, and he wasn't so sure if he wanted to play now, it could get very awkward very fast. "Now the dice!" Amy exclaims, interested about the outcome. Rose sighs, this is becoming rather cringeworthy. It wasn't just cringeworthy for her, but the rest of the group.

Tails hustles the dice, and throws them on the carpet, everyone leaning in to inspect the outcome. "So I have to hug Silver's arm?" Tails asks, and Amy just giggles. "Yup!" She yips, and Silver looks equally as concerned as Tails is, and the two lock puzzled and regretful gazes. Nevertheless, Tails gets up from the carpet, and does as the dice (and Amy) have told him, wrapping his arms around Silver's left arm, and awkwardness ensues. The pair avoid everyone else's stares as they laugh at them, asides from Shadow. He's the most confused of them all as Sonic, Amy, Knuckles and the others have a bit of a giggle. Why was this so entertaining to them all? He didn't quite get it.

"Okay Okay Midnight's turn!" Amy orders as Tails races to go and sit back down again, and Midnight then spins the bottle with a flick of her wrist. It points to Rose, and she smiles, whatever happens in this game, the two are so close already the awkwardness wouldn't last very long. Rosie watches as Midnight picks up the dice, and she throws it on the carpet just like her brother had done moments before, and everyone else yet again, leans in to check the outcome. "Oh, you just have to kiss my cheek Midnight, no biggie!" Rose chuckles, and Midnight looks rather confused, her English failing her. "Kao de kissu." Tails explains to her, tapping his cheek. As he does so, Midnight giggles. "Soudayo?!" She exclaims, and Tails nods. Unexpectedly, she wraps her arms around Rose's shoulders, Rose exclaiming as Midnight pulls her in, giggling as she plants a kiss on her cheek, and the two girls laugh afterwards, perhaps Amy's game wasn't so bad after all, it's actually quite entertaining! Rose is now keen for her turn, gripping the bottle tightly and giving it a massive spin, and it goes wild, twirling and spinning all around the carpet like a cascade. A few seconds later it begins to slow, and the group all huddle in, eyes fixed to the neck of the bottle and what direction it's going to face. Like a compass, the bottle slowly spins and wobbles to a stop, and the group all lift their heads. They sit back, and stare at Shadow, who looks surprised, he hadn't expected to be a part of the game, let alone be picked by the bottle when it came to Rose's turn.

Rose just laughs as she sees his expression, unfazed by it all. She knows that nothing too awkward could come of what could happen and then picks up the dice, giving them a decent shake before letting them roll onto the floor. As they tumble to a stop, Rose is confused, two strange markings on the dice are face up. Amy then makes everyone jump by letting out a squeal of excitement. "Seven minutes in heaven! Rose you rolled a good one!!" She exclaims, and Rose begins to protest, guess she was wrong about it becoming too awkward.

"Amy! I thought you said there was nothing like that in this game!" She grunts, angry that she'd been tricked into playing in the first place. "Seven minutes in heaven isn't icky Rose! And besides, you're gonna be with Shadow, he won't do much!" She says, and Shadow gives her a glare, although he's unsure of what he wasn't going to do. "Why do you always do this Amy? It's honestly starting to get on my nerves." Rose huffs at her friend, and then gets up off of the floor, Tails opening his closet doors for them. Shadow looks even more confused than he was before, but follows Rosie's actions and rises off the floor, stepping over the others and towards where Rose is standing. Sonic and Silver shift uncomfortably, and Midnight looks completely confused. Amy is hopping from foot to foot in excitement, she's finally getting what she wants, and of course, all along it has been a plot to get closer to Sonic, she was ecstatic when she learned that Shadow and Rose have a close connection from about sixty eight years ago. Rose stares daggers straight at Amy, who then stops her so-called 'Happy Dance' to give her a sheepish look, the two entering Tails's closet, and he slowly closes the doors behind them, enveloping them in dim lighting.

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