Chapter 2 - Sebastian

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It's way too early for this.

For the last week, Connor, Joey and I have been getting to know our new roommate. It's just been the three of us for the last three years so they're excited to get to know Dylan. If I'm being honest, I was apprehensive at first because the girls who go to this school are rich, spoiled brats with no regard for other people's feelings, but Dylan is nothing like that. She's really smart, funny and kind. She's also absolutely gorgeous. She's got long auburn hair, shockingly blue eyes and she's covered in cute little freckles. Ever since she made us dinner a week ago, the four of us have been hanging out almost all the time. I have a feeling she's gonna become one of our closest friends this year.

At the moment though, I can't help but despise her. I run my hand through my hair as a deep frown snakes its way onto my face. I look beside me on the couch and judging by my two best friend's facial expressions, they aren't any more amused than I am.

"No. Just no." I say, breaking the silence. She turns to face me, a scowl threatening to take over her beautiful features. "And why not? It fits perfectly. What's wrong with it?" she asks slowly, turning in a circle again to show off the plaid uniform skirt she was trying on. "I know I asked for your opinions, but I meant if you thought I should get a different size or colour. Not if I should wear it or not. I think it looks great"

"That's the problem," I said slowly, trying to tear my eyes away from her long legs. "It looks amazing. All the boys will be staring constantly and I don't think the three of us will be able to beat up all the guys who will hit on you" Connor says matter-of-factly. She narrowed her eyes at the three of us. "I don't need you three taking care of me. I'm a big girl and y'all aren't my brothers."

"Au contraire," says Joey, "Now that you live with us we've adopted the roles of big brother in your life whether you like it or not. None of the guys at this school are good enough for you, so it's either you wear the skirt and we fight, or you wear slacks and nobody gets hurt." She turned her eyes to me, pleading for me to talk some sense into them. I was also against her wearing the skirt, but for very different reasons. All the same, I couldn't let anyone know about my feelings towards Dylan, so I shrugged.

"Y'all are so annoying," she huffed, "That's fine. I don't care. I'm going to wear this skirt on my first day, and if y'all get in any fights it's your problem and not mine." And with that she turned and stormed out of the living room and upstairs to sulk in her bedroom.

"She's a spitfire" laughed Joey as we all heard her door slam. Yup, we've definitely got to make it up to her. "I'll order a pizza," I chuckle lightly, standing up.


I can barely sleep. I'm a bit nervous. I always am the night before the first day of school. Tonight though, it's different. This time, I know exactly what I'm worried about. I'm worried about how the girls in our grade will react to Dylan. They tend to be mean to new girls. That's how they've been since the first day of freshman year. I'm worried they'll bully her into switching schools. They always think of new girls like competition. It's odd. The one thing I'm not worried about is Dylan being able to stand up for herself. She's full of sass and attitude, so I have no reason to worry about her putting the other girls in their place. I'm scared she might let it bother her afterwards.


I wake up, and the house is quiet. Everyone has already left because I have a spare first period. I get dressed and go downstairs for coffee and breakfast, where there's a mote on the kitchen counter. I read it out loud:


Good Morning! I didn't want you to forget breakfast, so I made some for you and left it in the oven. Enjoy and don't be late on your first day!

See you in class,

Dylan ♡

I smile to myself and open the oven. The delicious smell of breakfast hits me in the face, and my smile broadens. Today was going to be a great day.

"I just don't understand why you don't dye it," I hear, from my locker across from the science room. "It's so red and ugly. If you went brunette you could wear green without looking like a Christmas tree." Shit. I rush into the class, and my heart drops. All the girls are surrounding Dylan at her desk, laughing and tittering about her green uniform shirt. I take a deep breath, , and make my way over. "Leave her alone Sydney. She's not doing anything to you" I say. I sit at the empty desk beside Dylan and turn to her.

"Are you alright?" I ask softly hoping she can't hear the affection in my voice. She nods slowly keeping her head down so her hair covers her face. I gently take her chin between my thumb and first finger, turning her head slightly so I can see her eyes without uncovering her face. My stomach jumps uncomfortably when I see her tear filled eyes. Without thinking I grab her hand and march her right out the door, passing the teacher on my way out. "What's going on?" she asks concerned, "Dylan isn't feeling great so we're going to the nurse. We probably won't be back before the end of class" I call out behind me.

As soon as we're in a deserted corridor, I pull her into my chest, hugging her to me like my life depends on it. I feel her hug me back and sob. I think my heart breaks a bit. I pull out my phone, hoping not to disturb her, and shoot out a text to my best friends.

Seb: Get to hallway C right now. I'm right in front of the art supply closet

Connor: omw

Joe: ditto

This is what best friends are for. They come when you need them, no questions asked. I put my phone away and go back to rubbing small circles Dylan's back. Her tears are starting to slow, but she shows no sign of letting go of my waist and honestly, I'm not complaining. It feels so nice to hold her like this. We fit together so perfectly, like puzzle pieces. I rest my cheek on the top of her head, hoping to drink it in before we get interrupted. 

Sure enough, two minutes later, Joey and Connor come whipping round the corner. They take one look at Dylan clinging to me and wrap themselves around us, surrounding her in a big group hug. After a few minutes of standing silently, the three of us holding her, she shifts and we let go. She takes a deep breath, wipes her eyes and looks up at me. Her face looks sad, but the flicker of happiness is back in her eyes. I let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding.

"Better?" She nods, and I smile gently. "Come on. Lets go wait for our next class to start" I say, starting to walk away. Connor quickly grabs the sleeve of my sweater and when I turn to look at him, his eyes are full of questions and concern. "She can tell you later" I tell him, and turn to follow Dylan's receding footsteps. 

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