Chapter 3 - Dylan

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As I stand in front of the dressing room mirror, I can't help but giggle to myself. All I can hear on the other side of the curtain is my three best friends complaining. I forced them to come dress shopping because the winter formal is coming up, and I have nothing to wear. The only person's opinion I really want is Seb's, but it would be weird to bring only him, so I brought Joey and Connor too. Smoothing down the fabric of my dress, I examine my reflection. I look good. No, I look better than good. I look amazing.

The slip-style dress is made of gorgeous emerald green satin. It's almost skin tight and accentuates my chest and hips in just the right way. The thin straps are long in the back, letting the fabric pool slightly in the dip just before my butt, making the back completely open. I can't even wear a bra with it - not that it's a problem for me, if you know what I mean - but there's still slight padding in the chest area. I strap on the elegant silver heels I plan on wearing with the dress and take a deep breath.

It seems as if all conversation stops as soon as I step through the curtain. I look up at the three boys sitting in front of me and take in their stunned expressions.

"Well?" I ask hopefully,

"You look- I mean- " Joey starts,

"... Wow," finishes Connor,

I turn to face Seb, scared he might not like it, but his face says it all. He continues staring at me in shocked silence, with no sign of stopping. I see Connor and Joey share a knowing glance before getting up to check out the tuxedos. Finally, Sebastian clears his throat,

"You look amazing, Dylan. It's actually intimidating how gorgeous you are," he chuckles to himself. This is it. He's going to ask me to the winter formal, I think to myself.

"I was actually wondering if-"

"Dylan! Come here, so I can make sure these ties match your dress." I hear Joey call from across the store. He came up with the brilliant idea for all three of them to wear ties that matched my dress, so even if I showed up without a date, our pictures would look cool.

I hold Sebastian's intimate gaze for a moment longer. Finally, he nods his head slightly, telling me to go ahead. We can talk about it later, right?


Wrong. It's been two weeks, and he's shown no sign of wanting to pick up where we left off. Not only that, but he keeps telling me to stop turning down the boys asking me to the dance. I've had almost all the boys in my grade ask me, but I keep turning them down in hope that Seb will ask me. I know I could put my big girl panties on and ask him myself, but I don't want to be the one to mess up our friendship. Now the dance is on Friday and I have no date. Joey and Connor managed to muster up the courage to get a date and Sydney seems pretty adamant that Seb be her date, so I'm all by myself.

As I'm searching my locker for my physics textbook, I feel someone brushing up against me. I turn to tell them to piss off when I catch a glimpse of a swoon-worthy smile. Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ, it's Michael freaking Hernandez. Michael is the hottest boy in school. His dad is a successful politician and his mom is the scariest lawyer in the area. Apparently nine times out of ten, criminals would rather sign a plea deal than go up against her in court.

Michael has got warm olive toned skin, thick wavy brown hair and a face that could stop traffic. His high cheekbones, deep brown eyes and full lips make his angular face look almost god-like. His body also looks like it was chiselled by Zeus himself. Michael's broad chest and shoulders taper into a thin but muscular waist that leads to long muscular legs. His uniform - I'm convinced it's several sizes too small - leaves very little to the imagination, and all the girls drooling in his wake.

"I'm very sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if you had a date for the winter formal" he asks in a polite manner. I open my mouth to turn him down, but I hear Seb's voice ring through my ears. Stop turning guys down, Dylan. We don't have an endless supply here you know.

"Nope, no date. Are you asking me to be yours?" I tease, looking straight into his eyes. For a moment I think I see a flicker of doubt, but it's gone just as quick.

"As long as you're comfortable with it, I would love to go with you." he says, being the perfect gentleman everyone knows him to be. I nod my head, a slow smile spreading across my face.

"I'd love to go with you" I say, showing off my million-dollar smile. He grins back just as wide. The bell rings, and he looks slightly disappointed but recovers fast enough to stoop, peck my cheek and walk away waving before my brain can register what's happening. I look down at my hands clasped in front of me and notice he's slipped a single red rose in between my fingers.

How the hell did he manage to do that? I think to myself, looking around to see if anyone noticed the encounter. Coast is clear, I think to myself, I don't need dating rumors starting before lunch

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Dec 23, 2021 ⏰

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