-playing video games with them

518 15 15

Requested from mmeshi-

I am sorry this sucked just I feel very lazy right now don't know why


He'd play animal crossing with you
And spend hours on it until 4am
Until he sees Ankha...
His fave is ofc Isabelle

But this man is traumatized 😰

Sae byeok:

She'd play Minecraft with you
she loves the Axolotls 

But she always kills the horses and foxes 😔

Gi hun:

You guys played Valorant
Which involves a lot of screaming/raging at the game especially at midnight

Sang woo:

I feel like you guys would either play GTA or cod
but in this relationship, you get really competitive so your the only one making the noise (no, not in that way you dirty minded person) he's just sitting there looking at you like "who the hell are you? your not y/n"

Jun Ho:

Genshin Impact

(but he's not in the fandom but even if he was, he wouldn't be in the bad part of the community)

He feels very proud when you don't have to help him with the genshin puzzle things


He's not THAT big of a game guy but when you guys do play it's Minecraft or roblox

Ji yeong:

Y'all love stardew valley
it's her all time fave.

Squid game PreferencesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora