Wayne Carver

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*I do not own criminal minds or any characters *

He wakes up in his bed like any other day, but it's not any other day...

"Good Morning Garcia!" Reid says as his usual cheery self, "Good Morning JJ!" He beams as he walks by his co-worker. Hotch walks out of his office "Briefing room in 5." "Loosen up Hotchrocket" Garcia goofs. He turns around and looks at her, "Yes sir." She scurries off to the briefing room.

"Morning Pretty Boy!" Morgan says with a smirk on his face. "Good morning to you also!" Reid replies

-In Briefing Room-

"Our first victim is Kara Vassel, medical resident, said to be kidnapped as she was walking home from her local hospital, she died of an overdose on a drug that they are still waiting on the labs for." Garcia tells the team

"Our next victim is Wayne Carver, he is a.. known dilaudid addict," she mumbled reluctantly "worked as a high school professor at Jones High School and was fired recently for drug abuse.".

" It doesn't seem like he cares about gender or age because Wayne Carver is 42 and Kara Vassel 29." Reid murmurs " Do we know how Wayne Carver was Killed?" He asked Garcia. "We don't know for sure, but there are fresh track marks on his arm and you can put the rest together yourselves." She replied. "How do we know that Wayne Carver didn't randomly overdose himself." Morgan wondered, "That is because Wayne had just gotten out of Rehab and has been clean for 2 months but no one noticed when he went missing," she continued "he was said to be gone for 9 days, his apartment vacant, but we don't know for sure.". "Thank you Garcia." Hotch said, "Always sir.".

"Wheels up in 30."

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