October 28

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"You see, while you and your friend here were chatting it up, you didn't notice your ID was missing, such a killer deception is pretending to be interested in selling drugs, when really I have been out of business for more than a year now." Russell chuckled. "But how? I was watching you the whole time." Morgan looked startled. "Not when you were distracted by your best friend here." Daniels replied "So Dr. Spencer Reid from the BAU born on October 28," he paused "hey we're practically twins. 6'1, bit tall in my taste." He smirked. "Now how would you like to go out like all your little victims, Kara Vassel, Wayne Carver, and yes I did kill them, does that sound alright with you Dr. Spencer Reid?" He said in a mocking tone. "Russell listen to me we can over power you and- and you will go to jail for a very long time." Reid stuttered out "Oh will I?" He says as he pulls a gun and shoots Spencer in his shoulder. Reid crumpled to the ground and shouts out in pain. Morgan makes the stupid mistake of charging him, Russell easily hits Morgan in the head with the butt of his gun. "Looks like I win." Russell dragged Reid by his shirt out to his car and drove to his safe house. "Now Dr. Reid I'm very sorry for all the trouble ," motioning towards his shoulder "but don't worry I'll return you to your little friends sooner or later." Spencer groaned and tried hitting Russell. Bad move. "Bam." He says as he shoots Reid "I recommend not doing that, I only have so many bullets.". Sooner or later he blacked out from all the pain. And Spencer wishes he never woke up, but when he did, it was a nightmare.

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