As an Australian, I don't celebrate Thanksgiving and so to not provide false information- nor have I mentioned whether they are American or not- there will be no Thanksgiving in this book. However they are 18 and so are Seniors - or also known as Grade 12 and in their last year of school.

In Australia, or my school specifically, our grade 12's finish some time in November and so that is the case in this book.

It's explained further in the next chapter.

Definitely one of my favourite chapters <3

25th November 2021

"The plane, HX-10396 has crashed into the clearing near Madagascar, no survivors remain," my blood ran cold as those words left the news reporters mouth. My parents had been on that plane. I felt numb as I stood up from the couch, teetering sideways as the blood rushed from my head.

I closed my eyes, taking deep breaths, ignoring the surveillance camera's footage shown on the tv of the plane losing control and falling through the forest.

No, no no no no. This couldn't be real, I frowned and hit my head against the wall beside me numerous times, before a sob caught in my throat as the information finally took me. No. This couldn't be real, I repeatedly thought.

Surely it was a different plane? Maybe I messed up a number? I grabbed my phone and checked my mother's and I's recent message.

Plane HX-10396.

I pushed a hand against my throat, trying to breath as if all the air had been knocked from me.

My tears streamed down my face as I repeatedly kept hitting my head against the wall, ignoring the searing pain from the spot on my forehead where I was continuously hitting the same place. I lifted my head up and yelled, loudly, in both frustration, anger and sadness. I punched the wall with all my might, watching the plaster cave in and a hole form in the white.

"Annaliese!" The word felt like a bullet through me as I raised my hands to block out the ringing in my ears.

I pushed my hands further into my head to stop the voice, I was going crazy.

"Annaliese," someone was calling my name.

Well no shit Sherlock.


I snapped awake, looking around I realised I had just had a nightmare. I covered my face in my hands when I felt wetness on my face. I had been crying - just like in the dream. I wasn't crying anymore but I was breathing heavily as my back was being rubbed by a warm hand.

I couldn't block out the visions of the man, the way the plane lit up in flames, the wall forming a hole from my fist.

"Love, what happened?" Louis' calm voice brought me out from my thoughts.

"Th-they died," I wiped at my eyes as Louis pulled me to his chest, whispering soothing words whilst he slowly rubbed my back. I just felt quiet. I couldn't call them- they'd be on the plane on the way back home.

The plane that just crashed in my dream.

"The others are having breakfast at the moment, are you ready to go down?" I nodded and let him pull me up. I wasn't sad, just a little shaken up from the vivid dream.

The others all sat around the bench, a bowl of cereal in front of them. "Finally you're awake, I don't know how long Freya and I could last as the only girls down here," Rory exaggerated leaning backwards. "Hang on- Anna can I talk to you real quick?"

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