Part 2 - Meeting a Friend

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"It's been a while since you left Anchormist. How's it feel to be back in the Bog?" said the short, squat constable.

The other man chuckled. "You know it always feels refreshing to get out of that fresh sea air and feel the intoxication of the methane and decay." He slapped his right cheek. "And how could anyone forget the gnats."

The constable laughed. "You've just been in the city too long, Ros. You'll get used to it before you've left." The two men were standing at the edge of a great brick-made bridge, leaning against a parapet; the constable looking down into the water, Roswell staring forward, where the slow stream came around a bend near the edge of the town. "How long has it been since they've sent you anywhere outside of the city?"

"Eh, not that long. I'd say about a year and a half."

The constable let out a sigh. "That's longer than I'd like to be. I could never live in a city where it takes nearly all the daylight hours to get from one end to the other."

"I think you're exaggerating, Bram," Roswell said with a laugh.

"Well for more stout folks such as myself, we have to take our time getting around," Bram said as he patted the sides of his gut and chuckled.

"So, how's the family?" Roswell asked.

"Good, Bethany just gave birth to our fifth about four months ago. He's certainly a lively lad."

"That is good to hear. She's doing well then?" Roswell added.

Bram nodded. "What about you, though? You still haven't found yourself someone to keep the house warm while you're tracking down deviants?"

"Nope," Roswell answered. He looked down at the stream beneath them, just as it passed under the bridge. At first merely recollecting memories of a love from a time when things seemed easier; simpler. When the world seemed simpler. Then his thoughts turned to the day that world fell in shambles.

"I know you gave up, after Ophelia, but you have to try and get back out there. You live in the biggest city in the region, there must be a woman who at least comes close to measuring up to her."

"It's just the job, old friend," Roswell replied. "It's a dangerous one, and it keeps me too busy to maintain any healthy relationship. Besides, no girl in the city could be as good as the ones from back home."

"I doubt that," Bram said curtly. "Anyways, so what brings you to Steamwatch, my jaded friend?"

Roswell gave a slight smile. "The highwayman that's been robbing folks around here."

"Is that why Reyburn sent you here? How much did they tell you?"

"That someone is robbing people on the roads, and that he's been using magic," the man answered.

"Aye, people've been saying he's using old dark magic. Conjuring shadows that help him rob the poor people."

"Dark magic?" the man replied. There was a silence as he contemplated. "He's probably an Elderling."

"Well, Ros, you would know better than I would. That is your field of expertise. The only other commonality between all the reports is that he always wears a hooded cloak, and always attacks in the evening or night, so no one can see what he looks like."

"Any murders?" Roswell asked.

"Nah. Whoever it is only seems interested in robbing people. A few have been injured, though."

The constable stepped away from the parapet, and with his hands in his pockets, turned towards Roswell. "So, where are you staying while you're in town?"

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