Crusher screamed the loudest...

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"GO, BLAZE! GO!" Crusher cheered as he held up the banner of Blaze's insignia as high as he can.

Crusher mostly gave up racing. He would rather race for charity with Blaze. Blaze made him realize he was better being an inventor than being a racer, so that was where he put his focus. And because he has some extra time, he would go cheer Blaze for his races. And he would be the loudest and biggest fan you could find in the bleachers.

Crusher screamed the loudest, in praise of his boyfriend winning. His grin almost split his face in half as he dove past the crowd, not minding the annoying grunts as he made his way down to meet Blaze.

Blaze embraced his blue-haired boyfriend in his arms with as much joy as the other.

"That was amazing!" Crusher said, excited. He started to gush on how cool his tricks were and how he deserved that win and how amazing he was on track.

Blaze smiled and let his dear boyfriend rant on about how amazing he was, only having to cut him off when he was needed for his victory lap and to claim his trophy.

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