Chapter 4

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Wait! What's wrong with me?

"Ma'am! Let me know when you are back to earth."
I come out of my thoughts and look up at Karan.
He gives me a blank look.
"What?" I ask.
"Where did you wander off to?" Karan asks.
"Uh-oh. Nowhere."
"Okay." Karan simply says and takes his seat.
I look at him strangely and take my chair.

It's time for lunch.
I tap at Karan's shoulders, who was so into his work.
"Let's go and have lunch."
"Wow! Time went by so fast today."
He gets up and we both walk out together.
In the canteen, Karan easily gets into a group of people while I silently wait for Hrithika.
As my turn comes, a huge force tugs at me. I look back to see Hrithika. If it were someone else, I would have been irritated.
I see as Hrithika talks to the group standing behind me and easily cuts into the line.
I roll my eyes. But I am jealous of people like that.
People who have no problem to have conversations and befriend.
I can't even properly look into people's eyes.

As me and Hrithika walk out of the canteen after our lunch, Karan joins us.
"Hello beautiful ladies!"
"Hi Karan!" Hrithika cheerfully greets him back.
"So...this weekend we are throwing a party. Would you like to join?"
"Party?" Hrithika asks. I too look at him curiously.
"Yup. It's my brother's birthday. Me and our friends are throwing a surprise party for him."
"Oh. I am booked for the weekend." Hrithika says.
"Is that so? What about you ma'am?"
"Huh? I am not sure."
"Just let me know if you can. You too, di. I will give you the location."
"Ya, sure."
Karthik's birthday.
How old is he?
What if he is younger than me?
So what if he is younger? It's okay to date younger guys.
Wait! What am I thinking?
Am I already thinking about dating him?
Wow! I guess I have fallen a bit for him.
But no!! He is wayyyy out of your league, Alia.
There is no use in even trying.
I slap myself mentally and come out my thoughts.
I see Hrithika and Karan chatting.
"Ok then. See you after work, Hrithika." I interrupt them.
"Oh yeah! Bye." Hrithika replies and continues her conversation with Karan.

After showering, I lie down on my bed with my phone.
Karthik's birthday has been on my mind all day long.
Date him or not, as Karan has invited me, I should go.
And if I'm going, I need to buy a present for him.
Here comes one of the world's toughest thing.
Buying a present for a guy.
I have always had trouble buying presents for guys. Be it my brothers or my ex-boyfriends.
Wait! May be I can take Hrithika's help.
But no. I want to select it alone.
It's for Karthik.
But wait. It's not like we are that close.
Omg!!! This is so frustrating.
Finally I go to the world's largest solution giver- Gogle.
I scroll through different items of different brands.
I knew Karthik always wear expensive things.
But when I looked up the actual rates, I still got shocked.
After an hour of scrolling, I decide on something.
It's not that great but I think I have done my best.
At first I think of placing an order but then I decide I would physically buy it from the store.

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