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Happy dreams, the ones i used to
have, hapiness and not being fucking rejected.

I was always rejected like..: what the hell! Im not good enough or something like that but come on i used to try all the time to make people happy , but no i guess im someone who is not worth smileing to or even say hi, like guys how hard is it to say hi wtf.

Growing up i thought " yes im going to grow up and be a bloody barbie doll" but know look at me im a girl who walks around with a mom who looks like a slut , im sorry she does its embarresing.

I have to give it to her tho she might go round sleeping with every boy she meets, but hay, bright side of it at least she can still stand.

Any way back to my happy dreams well the one i used to have any way, i used to think in my dream's i am myself , nobody can juge me or bully me i could be what i like and do what i like.

Im saying this because i get bullied alot, i used to make friends then lose them strait afteri know this is rude but my mum always said to make friends is like takeing a pack of smarties from a fatty. Yes i know its rude blame my mum for that .

My school life in general wasnt to bad had some shit relationships though i got over after a while, well when i mean a while i mean a few months but pfff nobody will know.

Keep reading to find out what demi's mum does to her and how much carma can be a bitch.

you rejected meDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora