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Tommy woke up on a sunny morning to hear screaming from downstairs he rubbed his eyes with his hands and sat up. his vision when slightly blurry but it went back to normal after a few seconds. He got up from his bed and walked out his room making sure to not trip over any of the dirty clothes on the floor. he walked across the hallway towards the bathroom when he heard another scream this time a loud smash followed it. he looked down the stairs to see a plate throne across the room and hit the wall. He ran across to the bathroom trying to ignore what he just saw. He went to wash his hands but stared into the mirror staring at his body noticing every flaw. He washed his hands and splashed His face with water and left the bathroom back to his bedroom. He slumped back down onto his bed remembering he had to stream today SHIT he thought he went over to his phone and checked the time it 11:38. He sighed and slumped down in his chair

I do not feel like streaming today  

He got up and got dressed he then started to head downstairs. His skin started to get all clammy and he could feel himself starting to sweat. His breathing started to increase, and he was hyperventilating he was about to turn and go back upstairs until his dad spotted him. 


Tommy reluctantly walked down the stairs towards his dad. He could feel tears running down his face as he saw his mother lifeless body slumped up against the wall blood pouring out of her chest and onto the wooden floor. He ran over to his mother his eyes streaming with tears. But before he could get to her his dad grabbed him by his collar on his shirt and pinned him against the wall. Tommy tried to scream but he could not due to the lack of oxygen. 


Tommy could feel the tears running down his face as he tried to breath, to catch any breath. He let go of tommy letting him slump to floor as he left the room. Tommy thought his dad was gone as he crawled over to his mother still trying to catch his breath. He checked her puls but there was nothing not even a faint heartbeat he cried into his mother, until he heard the door slam open. He looked up to see his dad standing in the doorframe holding a belt in his hand. He had a terrible, terrifying look in his eyes. He walked over to Tommy grabbing him by his shoulder and pushing him up against the wall his face being squashed against it. 


Tommy reluctantly took off his shirt and put it onto the floor. He knew what was going to happen as it had happened many times. he braced himself as his dad pulled back the belt. He hit Tommys back with belt. Tommy let out a high-pitched scream as he felt the stinging on his back but immediately bit his bottom lip to suppress the scream as he knew he would get in trouble. His dad hit him a total of 12 times before letting tommy go as he fell to the floor.

Tommy pov

I held in my scream as my dad hit me for the last time. Finally, he let go of me and let me fall to the floor. It felt like my back was on fire. My dad had left the house to go out to drink. I turned to see my mother still slumped up on the wall. I tried to move closer to her to help her, but I started to feel dizzy. I stood up and tried to walk but it was too blurry to see anything the next thing I remember everything went black


hello everyone its me i did not proof read this so there may be multiple things wrong but............ oh well it will be fine. bye love ya

remember to eat,drink,sleep and do some things for yourself

Tommyinnit angstWhere stories live. Discover now