A Book of Faces by @sleepingbeautycello

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If you search long enough you might find me

I don't know my privacy settings anymore

They changed -- or not -- a few months ago

(I recently turned eighteen)

But what will you see in the book of my face?

Do I struggle, do I fail, do I cry?

No, never: my online persona is always happy

Presenting the best snippets of my life

I stalk people silently, clicking through pictures

Of beaches and concerts and restaurants

And I try to glean what their lives must be like

An impossible task when they hide their cares

What do we keep in the books of our faces?

From good to bad to ugly

The online community wants to be happy

But the world is still a scary place

When I post something about a disaster

Like the recent plane crash in the Alps

Even if my tone is relatively cheerful

One "like" is all I can expect

On Facebook we can forget our offline lives

Scrolling through our dense newsfeeds

Wading through post after positive post

Until the book of our faces has brainwashed us

@sleepingbeautycello is the author of "Welcome to my Mind", "Dustland" and "Listen for Silence".

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