So F*ck!ng Stupid by @WilliamMarcus

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Tap. Tap. Tap.

"Oh I know... she's so f*cking stupid," I reply back, typing quickly, staring at her Facebook page. Casey loves a good bitch-fest, I don't really mean half of what I say to her sometimes, it's not come back to bite me yet.


"Yeah, what kind of sad pathetic loner writes a status saying: 'Help me'. I mean come on," wow Casey's really going for it, I turn away from her message chuckling and stare at Hope's profile picture. Her long blond tousled hair gleaming in the sun, as she stares innocently into the camera. Her cover photo is a pretty picture of flowers. She's pretty artistic - it matches her profile picture quite well.

"She wasn't always that bad," I reply, nonchalantly, scrolling through older parts of her news feed.

Hope Furley liked a post on 'Black and White Movie's' page.

Hope Furley was tagged in James Carters photo.

She looks quite pretty there, kinda carefree. She was always pretty carefree, or at least she seemed it, maybe not considering these recent status'.


"Er... yeah she was. You were just distracted by her puppy eyes and outrageous cleavage,"

I frown, and type back angrily.

"You know what Casey, piss off!"

My laptop is now closed and I'm staring awkwardly around my room, what to do? I think what to do...

That's the point, there is nothing to do - I spend my life on my laptop, my laptop is my life.


'If anyone has seen or heard from Hope Furley, her parents would appreciate any information you have'

She's gone missing.

It would seem her Facebook status' meant more than we had thought, Casey and I stare forward guiltily, as the principal walks off the stage - Hope's face illuminated brightly behind him.

I feel so f*cking stupid, mocking her and laughing at her cries for help - I should have listened, I should have helped and now she's gone.

That day, morbid peace settled over the school, many in the same position as I - never once friends with Hope, quite the opposite. Now she's missing, we think only about how we should have been and how we now wish to rectify our unkindness.


I end up as I was the previous night searching through Hope's timeline, searching for clues - searching for a way to find her.

There's nothing; nothing that would even show that she was unhappy except those last 3 status'.

2 status'.

Wait... now there's three, I swear there weren't three before.

I'm waiting for you. Find me. You and I can finally be.

Yep. Definitely 3.

I wonder who she's waiting for; probably some hot guy. I look in the mirror. Yep, clearly not me. The light from my laptop illuminating my pallid skin, highlighting my unattractively shaped nose - definitely not me.

2 status'.

Wait what? There were three.

I stare at the screen for a while, maybe Facebook had a glitch...

Maybe not...

Maybe she knew I was looking...

Maybe she wanted me to find her, she always did smile at me in the hallways.

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