My Heart Tweets Only For You by @biscuit_dunker

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   His mobile phone buzzing on the sideboard, was a welcome distraction for Tyler; the songwriting process was not going well. Four hours of searching for inspiration, two hundred and forty minutes of chewing on the end of his pencil, and all he had was two words.

   Picking up his phone, he saw the little bird in the top left hand corner; it was a notification from Twitter. Hoping that maybe, someone, somewhere had finally discovered his band, instead all he found was another one of those pointless notifications, about someone else getting a follow, as if he cared.

   @ThomasKlay and five others followed @CurlyKate

   Tyler couldn't understand why Twitter insisted on sending him these notifications, it was almost as if they were taunting him; everyone else could get a follow and he couldn't. It wasn't even as if he had wanted to be in charge of the band's social media account, but for some reason he'd been nominated one day in his absence by the rest of his bandmates.

   Normally Tyler ignored such notifications, he didn't care who was following who, all he knew was that no one was following them; six months in and all they had was twenty followers. He didn't understand hashtags and trending topics. A hundred and forty characters was never enough, except for days like today, when the two words that were scrawled on his paper had taken him, what felt like forever to come up with, and still meant nothing. Tyler decided that he would check this Curly Kate out, see if he could work out why people were following her... it wasn't like he had anything better to do.

   She was a girl of very little words, a two word bio that read Birmingham/Sydney and a link to her Instagram account. He couldn't see anything particularly special about her, but Tyler figured that twenty thousand other people couldn't be wrong; maybe if all these other people were following her, then maybe he should as well.

   So, that's what he did.

   He, or his band at least became another one of the twenty thousand fans, that she had somehow amassed. Tyler, was well aware that he would just become another number, that she would probably never even notice.

   When his phone began buzzing again, Tyler was surprised to see two, new Twitter notifications, he couldn't remember the last time he'd had more than one at a time; if he ever had.

   @CurlyKate followed you.

   @CurlyKate mentioned you...

   Hey @kickingbacksundayband thanks for the follow, can't wait to check out your music! :o)

   He wasn't sure if he was supposed to reply, he hadn't been expecting her to even notice the follow he'd given her, much less follow them back and express an interest in their music. Not that they were a rubbish band, who didn't have any fans; it was just that social media, or more to the point Twitter just wasn't his thing. They'd only joined up, because Jack, the drummer had heard great things, he'd told them anyone could get noticed through the power of social media, he just wasn't willing to give up his free time to try and make it happen.

   @CurlyKate Thanks for the follow back.

   @kickingbacksundayband So where can I listen?

   That was a good question, where could people listen to their music? Well, nowhere really, except for the few videos that they had posted onto YouTube, they'd had some decent feedback, mainly from friends, when they'd shared it on Facebook. For some reason, though Tyler had never thought of linking their YouTube and Twitter accounts.

   @CurlyKate Well, we've got a few videos on YouTube

   @kickingbacksundayband link me up then ;o)

And It All Happened in Social MediaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz