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5 Years Later

Akaashi stares relentlessly at the computer, searching for any sign of a typo, grammatical error, or something that doesn't make sense. His glasses weigh heavily on his nose, his eyes are tired and dry, and his stomach calls for the rice balls abandoned on the desk beside him. His tea had gone cold long ago and his legs had been asleep so long that he didn't feel the tingling sensation anymore.

Everything in the room was trying to distract him. His eyes keep flickering over to Konki on the desk. She'd grown immensely, and he'd pruned her and made her into several plants. She needed to be watered today, though. The gleam from the sun kept glinting off his diplomas on the wall as well. One was for business. Kenma had worked a deal with all his professors instead of withdrawing him even though he didn't come back for another year and a half. The other was a Japanese literature post-bac he'd finished a year ago. His left arm itched and needed some lotion. He'd ended up getting a sleeve on his left arm only, courtesy of Daishou.

There's soft breathing on the couch a few feet behind him as Kuroo dozes off peacefully, a book slipping out of one hand and the other placed across his stomach. There's a noise elsewhere nearby but Akaashi's too concentrated on the work in front of him to be too bothered by it. It was one of those lazy days that was meant to be enjoyed. As soon as he finished, he was going to enjoy this day very much. It'd be a day he'd remember even in death.

He finishes reading the last paragraph and stares at the document in disbelief. He'd just finished reviewing and making changes his editor suggested as well as giving a final proofread, or two, for himself.

"I can't believe it's finished." He whispers to himself, blinking and waiting for the document to pull up more pages for him to read. He blinks a few more times before pulling his glasses off and rubbing his nose. He stretches, casting a glance back at the sleepy Kuroo, and reaches for an onigiri that was more meat than rice. Bokuto was always heavy handed with the meat. He couldn't complain, though. Anytime he started writing, everything faded away until he was pulled away, usually by Bokuto or Kuroo. Sometimes, by the need to sleep.

I've finally finished The Sky and Guilt. I can't believe it.

He quickly saves several times, sends it to his editor, and saves a copy online, lest he accidently delete it, or some other disaster befalls. It'd be a lot of work to start over. Even then, he had faith he could recreate it. It'd be better the second time around if he had to rewrite it.

"Keeeiiiijjjiiii!" Bokuto come barreling in the office door, nice button down and slacks on. He was inching toward thirty, but he still hadn't learned how to properly enter a room. It was endearing.

Kuroo groans on the couch, flips over, and covers his head with one of the pillows. A habit he'd also never rid of unless he was using his boyfriend's limbs to cover his ears instead.

Akaashi gives a snicker and turns his chair to face Bokuto. "Yes, Koutarou?"

"Wheen are we doing to diiiinnnneerr?" He whines. "You two haven't even started getting ready yet and I'm starving!"

Akaashi gives another snicker and offers one of his rice balls to Bokuto, who gleefully shoves it in his mouth. "We'll leave in an hour. Reservation is two hours from now."

Bokuto wipes some rice, and probably drool from thinking about dinner, from his mouth. "Why aren't you more excited? You're finally done with your book, but you're sitting around in pajamas!"

Akaashi holds his hands out for Bokuto to get closer and put his face between them. "I am excited. Nervous as well, but mostly excited. I'll be more so when I can hold the book in my hand. It'll be more real then." He gives Bokuto a peck on the lips. "Now why don't you wake Tetsurou up? I've got a couple more things I want to do before I start getting ready."

The Sky and Guilt Are The Only Feelings I have LeftWhere stories live. Discover now