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Jisoo's View:

I was busy watching SpongeBob in my laptop but then i heard a knock knocking on my dorm door

"Coming wait!" I shouted to the person who is knocking but then suddenly i remember rosé is coming here right?

So it must be her! I won't open the door 😗

Rosé's View:

I keep on knocking but no one is answering me!

So i decided to chat Jisoo

You:Jisoo where are you!?

Cuitechu is typing...

CutieChu:in my condo 😙

You:then open the door 💀

CutieChu:like what i said no 😊

You:chuuuuuuu please??????

CutieChu:c'mon just go home chip you'll just waste your time there cause i won't open the door 😌

You:whatever I'll find my way 😉

CutieChu:you say so? 😌 just don't do something so stupid

You:can't promise 😚

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2021 ⏰

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