The Fall

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"Hanji, what are you talking about?", Eren said trying to sound like he was under control when, really, he was about to collapse from the overwhelming situation.

"Well you know how you plugged up the wall aways back?", Hanji said.

"Yes I do believe that I recall that.", Eren said sarcastically.

"The colossal titan kicked the giant rock out of place, but, surprisingly, only a few Titans showed up. Levi's squad is keeping them all at bay for now while everyone else is trying to rebuild the wall."

Eren almost fell out of his seat at the mention of heichou's name. Ugh, he needed to get a life.

"So is Erwin sending more than just Levi's squad to fight the Titans?"

"Exactimundo", Hanji said,"Suit up!!!"

Eren sighed.

As soon as Eren finally got free from Hanji's grip and his ears stopped ringing from Hanji shouting to let her dress him [Freaky, I know] Eren and Hanji walked down to the busted wall.

Though no Titans were in a ten mile radius, Eren had to clutch his chest to keep from sprinting back.

This looked all too familiar.

"Oi, brat."

He'd recognize that voice anywhere.

Eren turned to see Levi calmly fighting a titan while at the same time keeping a steady gaze on Eren.

"Is that Windex™ in his pocket?", he thought.

Whenever Levi finally killed the titan with a clean sweep to the back of its neck, he said,"Use your maneuver gear and come slay some Titans."

Eren smiled in his cutesy little way & immediately after he felt awful. "This is no time to charm.", he thought,"No matter how cute Levi looks in his uniform."

Eren took a few long, running strides and jumped. He landed on top of a three story building and then launched himself into the air. He loved using the 3dmg, it felt like flying.

He swooped onto a 15 meter class Titan, but heichou beat him to it, slicing its neck.

Levi--WAIT THIS CAN'T BE CORRECT-- l-Levi w.i.n.k.e.d. and gave an absolutely perfect half-smile.

He knew that this had just gotten serious. He used all his might and launched himself at a Titan that heichou was quickly approaching. Without hesitation, he sliced it.

Eren stuck out his tongue at a disbelieving commander and sped off to the next Titan.


Eren felt great. The winter feeling in the weather was just giving way to sunny skies and warmth.
Humanity could finally--possibly--win this stupid war and heichou might actually not totally hate him.

After more of what seemed like minutes, but were actually hours of competition, almost no Titans could be seen, not even when they rode their horses out into Wall Maria.

As a celebration, all of the Scouting Legion ate in some near-by woods.

"Eren, I didn't see you fighting; when did you get here?"

It was Armin. Eren was almost too busy laughing at one of heichou's snide remarks to Hanji's inquiries to hear it, but he did.

"Oh, sorry I was kinda fighting alongside commander Levi to catch up with you guys."

Armin gave one of his infamous "I see you" looks.

Eren told Armin about his love for Heichou even before he realized it himself. "How?", you might ask, but even, I, the narrator, haven't the slightest clue. It's Armin for Pete's sake.

Eren shook his head until it hurt. He chuckled,"No Armin we were just killing Titans."

Armin smiled. "I have never heard THAT reference before."

They both laughed hysterically until Connie came over. "Are you guys okay?", he asked with a smile. Armin and Eren nodded in unison.

"Oi, brat, I spotted a Titan the forest; loser pays for dinner." Levi zoomed deeper into the trees.

Eren shrugged at Armin and Connie. Armin gave him one of his best "naughty" looks and both Eren and Armin had to hold their breath from laughing.

Eren rolled his eyes and raced off after Heichou. The forest was especially dark that night and Eren could barely see. He looked everywhere but couldn't spot Levi or any Titans.

"Wait.", thought Eren, "Maybe Levi took me out in the middle of a DARK forest ALONE to........... MURDER ME!!!!"

"Eh, that doesn't sound right.", Eren thought again, "Oooh he could like ask me out or something."

The thought of that made Eren's cheeks hot. His heart started pumping out of his chest with anticipation, not wanting to wait to see Heichou. Today kinda added up more evidence that, that could be true.

As he thought about his theorem, he saw a lone figure in he trees and zipped up, assuming that it was Heichou.

After Eren nimbly landed on the branch, Levi looked at Eren with his dark, lovely eyes. Eren could almost not contain how much he wanted to scream,"YOU ARE SO DARN CUTE; YA KNOW THAT?!?!" But somewhat managed to only grunt.

Heichou was very close to Eren, to the point where they were almost touching. Eren's cheeks warmed.

Heichou started to whisper something in Eren's ear, but then Eren started kissing Levi.

His mouth felt so wonderful that he couldn't possibly describe it.

Levi instantly pulled away with confusion on his face.

"Oh no what have I done.", thought Eren,"I am so stupid. No one loves me. Why WOULD anyone love me I'm just a stupid kid. Ugh."

As he thought this he turned his head. Levi was no longer on the branch; he must have zoomed off while Eren was thinking. Eren looked behind him and saw a 15 meter titan. "Dang it, there really WAS a Titan."

Eren almost cried,but then he heard screams, not just any screams. Whenever Eren first witnessed someone from the Scout Legion get eaten by a Titan, he always heard them scream in the same manor: without any hope. And the only person close in close enough contact with a Titan was Heichou.

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