Lady Wifi

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Neve fidgeted restlessly in class while the teacher was explaining the homework. She kept looking towards the door and then behind her and then out the window. Marinette still wasn't back from the bathroom which couldn't be good because that meant...

It's probably nothing and Neve was overthinking but from her recent suspicions, she might need help. She slouched back in her chair staring at the clock, every second getting closer to the dismissal bell. Something nudged her foot under the table and she turned to face the source. Her eyes met the green of Adrien's and he mouthed, 'You ok?' Neve smiled and nodded too enthusiastically to be telling the truth but Adrien nodded slowly and turned back to the front. She focused her attention back on the clock, only a minute now. Her stare got increasingly more intense as the seconds ticked down...and...DING! There it was! Neve jumped up out of her seat and snatched her satchel from the floor while shoving her homework into it. She was the first out of the classroom and hurried down the stairs even as she heard Alya call her name from the classroom. As the fresh outside air hit her face she ran to help her partner.

Neve trudged home in the late afternoon after helping Ladybug and Chat Noir. As she took her house keys from her pocket she wished she could spend the night curled up in bed with a nice book and her cat Theo, but she had dreadful history homework. When Neve entered the house she saw her Grandpa watching a documentary. Her Grandpa loved his documentaries, especially the crime ones. She walked up behind him and kissed his cheek, "Hey Gramps."

He paused the T.V and turned to smile at her, "Hey Neve, how was school today?"

She shrugged, "Same as every other day I guess," he chuckled, "What's this one about?" she asked, nodding towards the T.V.

"Haunted Hotel," he replied.

"Interesting. I have homework."

"I'll call you down for dinner."

"Ok," she patted her Grandpa's shoulder before making her way up to her room, Theo following her up. When she opened the door to her room she immediately dumped her bag on the floor and plopped on her bed, facing down. She sighed deeply. Saving Paris was exhausting. Her eyes fluttered shut and her breathing became deep and even. Suddenly Theo started meowing at her balcony door, scratching the window while his tail swished. "Theo what are you doing?" He only meowed in response and she decided to ignore him. Neve sat like that on her bed for a few minutes before she sat up abruptly and grabbed her guitar from its stand in the corner of her room. Homework could wait.

She went outside to her balcony and sat on the chair there, taking in the now setting sun. She strummed the strings playfully and hummed along, warming up her fingers and voice before getting into a real tune.

(watch video above :))

She sang it quietly, never taking it too seriously. She slightly smiled to herself, looking down on the busy streets below. She continued to play with the strings before hearing a desperate meowing from behind the glass sliding door. She turned with a frown, watching Theo who had his front paws on the glass and scratching. "Theo what are you doing?" she asked him. As if in answer he meowed once again, "You can't come outside, I'm sorry buddy," Theo stretched on the glass. Neve sighed, looking away from him and out towards the streets, this time her eyes landing on the building opposite her house. She spotted something perched on the edge that was quite obviously looking at Neve. She leaned forward in her chair and squinted her eyes to try and make out the mysterious figure before her eyes widened with confusion-

"Chat Noir?" she said aloud to herself slumping back in her seat and resting her guitar against the balcony railing. She stood up to watch him and he apparently noticed because he stood up swiftly and tucked his hands behind his back guiltily. He then awkwardly waved at her from afar. Neve raised her hand slowly and waved back with a confused smile. She saw Chat's shoulders move, visibly sighing before he used his stick to launch himself over to her balcony. He sat perched on the railing for a few seconds as they stared at each other.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Nov 07, 2021 ⏰

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