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(Flashback ends)

AUA were crying very badly as they couldn’t hold their tears back. Tamasa were calming AUA down. AUA were sobbing and Tamasa said-

Tamasa- shh You know what you 3 are the strongest people we’ve ever met. You guys have gone through a very tough time.

AUA- we always wonder what we ever did to deserve that incidence. We loved our family with our whole heart especially our grandparents and you 3 know what we’ve 2 brothers and 1 best friend but they shifted in USA due to work so we 3 were only left in Delhi. (They said while sobbing)

Tamasa- shh we know relax here drink some water you’ll feel better.

AUA- (drank the water) Thank you

Tamasa- no problem, uhm btw can you tell us name of your brothers and best friend??

AUA- hmm, our eldest brother’s name is Addy and our youngest brother’s name is Rishabh and our best friend’s name is Arsh.

Tamasa- Arsh deep Singh and Addy Chawala?

AUA- uhm yes, but how do you know him??

Tamasa- we 3 were in same school we became best friends when we were in 8 standard.

AUA- Ohh, Ohk.

Hope you all liked it
And Sorry for the small chapter will try to write big chapter 😅
Till then take care

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