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Kara's POV

Today is Nash's funeral. I've been fine these couple of days ,but I feel like I'm going to break down.  Eveytime I look at Christiana I feel tears form in my eyes. She reminds me of Nash so much.

*1 hour*

When I walked into the church I immediately broke down. All I can think is it was all my fault. I was the reason he killed himself. I just wished that I forgave him and had the chance to tell him that I loved him.

C- Hey boo
- Chani I can't do this it's all my fault

C- No it's not
-Chani if I took him back he would still be here.

C- no he wouldn't kara he was suffering from depression.
- How do you know *Starts crying*

C- I was just talking to his mom & she was telling me.
Mrs.Grier - Excuse me baby, I was wondering can I take Christiana for a week or so.
- yeah. She needs to be around you guys so she can get more attached to you guys.

Mrs. Grier- Thanks baby girl *starts walking away* oh yeah *turns back around* Kara it's not your fault.
Daniel POV

Seeing my boy in a casket really hurtes me. My sister is really taking it hard. When Nash was already headed down this road. I wanted to talk to my sister ,but I'm going to wait until we get home. His mom asked me to do his epilogue. When I got up there everything just hit me hard.

*Clears throat*
"Nash Grier A Father,brother, Son, nephew , & uncle. We are here to celebrate his life not to drown in our sorrow. Knowing Nash he would want us to remember nothing , but good memories of him. Us being his friend & family we should make sure His Beloved daughter Christiana Grier know who her father was. How he spoiled her in love & gift . we love & will never forget you Nash."

By the time I stepped down from the podium I was a hot mess. Me & my sister made eye contact and I lipped "I love you" & when I seen my sister smile it lit up my world. She's so beautiful & smart. Its so weird how a sad moment like this make you realize how special your family are.

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