Mistaken Night Out 🌃

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It's a long day after working in the studio.'Mal' finds herself laying down in her bed in the late afternoon. She gets a text from her good friend 'Veronica' "Hey girl what are you up to" she asks. "Nothing much" Mal replys. "Are you in the mood to be wild again tonight" says Veronica."No I'm hella tired leave me alone" Mal says."Oh come on dont be so boring,I promise itll be fun.the whole crew is coming"."Fine" she says hating the idea but still go to not miss a chance at gossip."This better be worth it because I'm still tired"."I promise just hurry up I'll come pick you up" answers Veronica.As Mal lazily gets dressed in a very sexy short red dress

As Mal lazily gets dressed in a very sexy short red dress

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,she questions herself."when will I find the love kind I want?". After thinking about it for a minute she snaps out of it and puts on some makeup and does her hair. Shes still getting ready to leave when Veronica knocks on her door. She opens the door and she hurrys up to grab her purse to leave as Veronica impatiently is waiting for Mal.

Mal gets to the bar and she sees her friends waiting for her.she starts getting wasted by drinking and dancing.Veronica warned her before she drank but Mal didn't listen...The next morning...

She wakes up next morning in a random penthouse in a bedroom that's ten times gorgeous then what she has.Nice expensive paintings and a big balcony.

She feels light headed and dizzy

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She feels light headed and dizzy. Mal starts to feel very nauseous so she runs to the bathroom that's in the bedroom. She pukes and Mal questions herself "what happened?" She  gets out feeling a bit better after washing up but still very nervous. She sits back down on the bed curious of where she is. She notices shes almost naked and her clothes are on the floor. Her phone and purse are nowhere to be found in the bedroom.
She suddenly hears loud footsteps coming up to the room.A strang tall muscular looking man comes in. Although hes kinda cute shes scared.He stares at Mal looking her up and down but not in a bad way .Nervously Mal asks "who are you".He answers in a deep strict voice "Come with me". Not knowing what to do she follows him and he gives her a robe to cover up. As she puts it on he looks away out of respect . When shes done he takes her to a big closet that can almost fool her to see it as a store filled with clothing. He says "choose something to where. I'm downstairs I'll be waiting for you." As she watches him leave the closet closing the door she glares at all different types of styles there is. Mal picks out a white button up shirt since it's all of the man's clothes and nothing really fits her because his shirt comes knee length.

She goes downstairs and sees him waiting for her. She walks closer to him but very nervous. He takes a second and glares. He snaps out of it and says. "Veronica is my sister. She'll be picking you up in a few hours. She knows you'll be ok with me for a little bit so that we could get to know each other". As she stands in shock that Veronica never told her about having a brother she starts seeing that they look alot alike. She feels a just a bit safer now that he mentioned Veronica is his sister but still mad she didnt tell her anything. Mal asks "why am I here". He replys "because of last night and what had happened." In curiosity she asks "last night...?" "Yes" he answers in a deep voice.

He starts explaining to Mal what had happened at that time. "You got really drunk and almost went with a random guy. Veronica saw what happened as he led you to his strang car. I was there but you didnt know she had a brother so she told you I was just someone who worked with her. She didnt want to tell you anything about me yet because there's a secret between me and you that I'm not ready to tell. But anyway she-" Mal interrupts him. "What secret!? I don't even know you". He had a angering look on his face when he got interrupted. He loudly in his deep voice said "Think about interrupting me again and see what'll happen".
Although he's still a stranger to Mal and they barely know each other, she felt weird. His tone gave her butterfly's.
With the guilty look on Mal's face she replied "whatever, sorry". He said "Anyway back to what I was saying ,she got worried and called me to go get you. The guy was rude and pushed me back so I punched him and behind me was Veronica who rushed to see if you were ok. You had passed out but Veronica couldn't bring you to her home neither yours because she let her friend borrow her car since it was an emergency and she used my car to pick you up. I insisted on you staying with me and Veronica wasn't so sure but I said I'd take care of you. I took you with me and I had my maids take off your clothes because you had spilt some alcohol on you. That's why you woke up nervous and tired." Mal shockingly said " I'm so sorry you had to do all that. I should've known better. Who would've known what that man would've done to me but thank you sir". He replied "My pleasure". He gave Mal butterfly's by his soft deep respectful responses.

They both go out to a cafe and start to get to know each other. He tells his name:"Well my names nicolas" "I'm Mal nice to meet you I never knew I'd get to know Veronica's sibling,its a pleasure". "No problem" . As the two still get to know each other more it darkens outside.

They start driving back to his penthouse and come to see Veronica waiting for Mal outside his door. She says " Omg mal are you ok!? I've been worried sick I hope your doing better." Mal answer in a soft disappointed voice " I'm fine Veronica, it's all my fault I shouldn't have gotten wasted like that, I was so stressed out from work and was out of my mind. I'm so sorry I caused this but thanks to your brother he helped me" Mal said in a disappointed voice. "I'm sorry I'll explain to you when we get you home now HURRY it's dark outside you need alot of rest, go get in the car I'll be there in a minute." "Ok" . As Mal goes to get in the car she sees Veronica and Nicolas talking privately. She opens the window slightly and listens to their conversation. "Thank you for taking care of her but I'm worried that she'll find out before we tell her. I can't lose her shes my bestfriend. You have to tell her before she gets really curious. I know what Mal is like and shes very sneaky. You can't mention anything about it yet ok." Veronica says. Nicolas responds "I might've had already mention that i was a mystery and she got really curious I could tell the guilty look on her face after she interrupted me. And I think she got well with me. She said she was happy to meet me but curious why you wouldnt tell her about me. I told her you lied about me and said I was your coworker ,she was furious. But she was nice to handle." " Veronica madly answered " Why would you give her hints didnt I say to take it slow on her!? I'm not going to repeat it. God your such a punk. I dont even want to talk to you. I'll see you tomorrow at a cafe so we can talk about the situation I'll text you the address see you soon." As they both part ways Veronica starts walking towards the car. Mal quickly closes the window and act normal although she's in horrible shock. Veronica drops her off and Mal says no word and rushes out of the car and into her house. Veronica is confused and furious and wonders if she's still mad .


A/N This is the first part of the story. This was in third person so in the next chapter I'll start with characters POVS. I hope you like it and I have a lot planned ahead.
Be sure to leave comments and let me know how you like it,
Have a fun day lovelies ❣️

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