Chapeter 2 CYBOMB

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Timebomb p.o.v
I want to ask her but what if she says no I don't know maybe I should ask Vie Vie maybe she'll know what I should do.

"Hey Vie Vie can I ask you a question"? "Sure what is it Timebomb"? "I want ask a girl out and I don't know if she likes me or not. How do I know if she likes me or not"?

"Well if she likes you back she'll show it in anyway". "Like "? "Like she might not have a crush on you or tease you or all kinds of ways". "Thanks Vie Vie"! "Your welcome"!

Ok so I just got done talking to Vie Vie so now how should I ask her i think she likes or not hmm.

Cywren p.o.v
I wonder what Timebomb wants? He said he wanted to talk to me about something. "Hey Timebomb"! "Hey Cywren so I've been wanting to ask you something". "Sure what is it"? "Will you be my girlfriend"?

"Yes"! I've been wanting to ask for so long thank you! "I'm glad you said yes"!

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