Chapter 4 talking about the voice

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Cywrens p.o.v
So lately I have been thinking. Where has the voice gone the voice guid me places and I talked to the voice like it was a friend. Yes my followers think I was crazy and yes even Timebomb thought I was crazy.

I would sometime stand there wondering what the heck is the voice talking about. Most of the time I thought I was going crazy.

The voice somehow knew me since I was a baby I want to know how. The voice not only guid me threw battles but also entertained me on our long journeys. I could help my self but to laugh and I hope maybe one day the voice will come back!

I better not keep my hopes up at least I still have Vie Vie, Timebomb, Sarah, Copper, Rex, quasar, and Davey. Even though my journey with the voice is over I still do miss him and if the voice reads this one day copper still runs off for no reason.

He just can't stay still I don't know why and I finally got him to give me personal space and voice thank you for being there and guiding me.

Ok everyone so your probably wondering what the last part was about I wanted to to say that to Jordan him self I bet she had a blast with him I know I would. I would probably laugh the entire adventure with him.

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