Chapter 2

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As they sat in science class they talked out loud, she was chatting all over the place with her fun personality and outgoing personality. He was talking with his "too good for school" and I don't care about this class vibe. They both talked out loud which perhaps ignited a spark. Until they started talking indirectly to each other and one day they just started talking. The next morning he walked in and dabbed her up and did handshake with her until this was a daily habit. The next day he asked the girl next to her in science for a handshake and the girl said no, and she backed up her fellow classmate by saying he only talks to people when it's convenient for him. Maybe he did care or maybe this hurt his ego because everyday he talked to the girl who sat next to her in science just by saying hi or good morning. Secretly, the girl with her emerald eyes was proud he listened to her. The next morning he walked in after being absent one day and asked for a handshake but she felt to say no for some reason, so the boy waited all day until she finally gave in. The teachers knew they were perfect for each other but maybe they were too young because it would only hurt them in the end or at least her. The handshakes evolved into her adding his snap by search. A huge wave of emotions went through her head, "will he find me weird," "what if he doesn't add me back," but a sigh of relief came by when he added her back and snapped her. Now everyday she had a notification to smile at when they snapped back and fourth, and she not only smiled on the outside but on the inside too because wow no one ever made her feel this way before he was special.

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