Chapter 3

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The snap notification light up her eyes every morning when she saw that he had snapped her. His eyes light up when he saw she snapped him every morning, because she woke up early and went to bed sooner so his snap from night would be there and he went to bed late and woke up late so her snap back would appear on his first notifications. They were growing closer they just didn't understand it. Her stomach dropped when he left her on opened for one minute, only to find out he sent a timer pic. Her favorites were the full face funny goofy photos he would send, his favorite were her full face pictures. When they snapped at night their LED lights were always matching blue, and they both knew that. She would always look for him in science class because he was always late, and relief always came over when he came in.  One day she had t leave early and was in the office as she was waiting to get picked up and you could hear his voice echo, let's say he was always in the principals office. Instead of talking to the staff that were now his friends he sat across from her. He asked her why she was there and she was like cause I'm going home, and he said "oh," almost relieved she wasn't in trouble. They stared each other for a couple seconds until he was told to get back to class. Since she was gone she was stuck in volleyball for gym which was no complaint, but of course he was there. Now they were closer and talked everyday yet everyday didnt feel enough, at least in the end you could tell it wasn't enough. No time would ever be enough especially when you are happy. He dabbed her up one day during gym but to her suprise he pulled her in for a hug, she almsot screamed inside with happiness. Her friend almost screamed because of excitement, and he. He got the hug he was longing for. He made the move and she was so happy. Why couldn't it last forever and time just stop? Why did they not work out in the end? Well that is for the reader to find out because she doesn't have the answer, and he definitely might but how would she ask if they never even dated. The last week of the school was by far her favorite because of all their bonding. (to be continued)

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