Part 2: Love

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When inside the cafe he gets you a cold hospital sandwich and Mac and cheese, his favorites! You both sit down at a booth table next to each other

"So, how is it?" He questions

"This is good" you say with a full mouth

He grabs you and wipes your face off. You giggle. This is something new, nobody has ever loved you because you are a dirty nasty pig annoying lying snitch who deserves nothing in life!

"I can't help but notice those big beautiful blue eyes you have" he states "it looks like an ocean that I would love to swim in"

"Oh I never really liked my eyes.."  you say "they were always so basic, at least that's what I thought.."

"Blue eyes are rare" he says softly "at least for what I know" he combs your hair with his hand.

"I love him I'm just scared.." you think to yourself "I'm just a little ugly white blonde blue eyes short boy who is a backstabber and a lying baby"

All of that is true because listen here is the reality. The only reason you are gay is because none of the girls likes you so you had to stick with the guys and the non bi's meaning non-binary people of course.

"Your skin is soft" he says petting you.

This is getting weird .. who even is Daniel Larson? Your mind goes blank and then you realize you blacked out. When you wake up you realize he is petting you but not in the way you imagined, instead it was in an affectionate manner and not a weird way. You are scared but relieved at the same time.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2021 ⏰

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