| T i p s F o r C o n t e s t s |

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Hey there every one!!! So happy to see you all already excited for winters and this contest!

Here are some tips which would help you make your work better for participating in a contest. (: And possibly increase your chances of winning in them too (;

# Have a decent cover (with title and name of author on it), title, blurb.

# If you have won few contests before, you may put your achievements in that book as a separate section. (This does one way or other give a good impression on the judge (: (though they are not allowed to judge on that criteria).

# Edit out a few grammatical mistakes, plot holes. They may matter, at times they really do. When a book is in a contest.

# Have your starting line in your creative way (: Opening chapter also has a good amount of scoring.

# Having a unique and genuine plot is always a plus point.

# Make sure to follow the rules in a contest, else at some places, those won't get the other way around happily (ʘᴗʘ✿). At times, when the competition is neck to neck, this may become a criteria.

And that's it! Just love your work, because every work is fabulous in one or other way. (: When you submitted the forms, it's a win in itself (;

Kanae Yoshida

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