Chapter 1

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"Lala~" a young teenage boy singing cheerfully while walking through the bustling street.

Looking at the appearance he have pale skin with smooth and soft skin, his hair is curly white hair, small red lips, his cheeks are tainted with light pink, and his height is short compared to other people.

This young teenage boy named Cally Miller. Cally is a cheerful boy who loves to sing, paint and reading novels.

While people is busy with they're business, Cally notice the Old woman from the corner of the road. The old woman plan to cross the road.

Cally continue what he do when he notice a truck without a driver. Many people panicked when they notice the old woman in the middle of the road.

"Help the old woman!"


"Save the old woman!"

Cally didn't think twice he run towards the old woman pushing her back.

He felt the impact of the truck. He can feel the liquid on his face he knows it's blood. He can't feel anything. He can hear people shouting but his too tired and wants to rest.

He soon lost his conscious.

He died by saving the old woman.

                       The End

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