Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Early 1400s, Enchanted Forest, Norway
Long ago, in the Enchanted Forest, there was a beautiful Kingdom, that was ruled by the beloved royal Lillegard family. The King and Queen's names were Aretha and Agnarr, and the children's names were Marienne, Adrianna, Laurel, and Ash. And they all possessed magical abilities, the elements of magic. They also had elven-like qualities, meaning they had elven ears, and markings, which was part of the magic trait. Marienne, Adrianna, and Ash were half-elf whereas Laurel was a full-born elf. Marienne, however, possessed all the elements that were bound to earth.

How she possessed them, was because of a ginormous crystal that was imbedded into a giant willow tree in the kingdom, and it held the source to all magic that flowed through the whole country.

One day, Marienne went to practice some magic spells, near a village full of Vikings, when an arrow whizzed past her, hitting a nearby tree

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One day, Marienne went to practice some magic spells, near a village full of Vikings, when an arrow whizzed past her, hitting a nearby tree. She jumped up from her seat, startled, and she wondered where it came from. A young boy, with blonde hair and red eyes came running to get his arrow when he noticed Marienne.

Alastan: "Hello, milady. Apologies for startling you!"

He exclaimed, as he continued to make eye contact for a while, before grabbing his arrow. He finally pulls the arrow out of the tree and back into his arrow quiver.

He then turned to Marienne and decided to introduce himself.

Alastan: "I'm Alastan. Alastan Haddock."

He said as he stuck out his hand for Marienne to shake. Marienne replies to his hand by shaking it and introducing herself as well.

Marienne: "Pleasure to meet you, Alastan. I'm Marienne Lillegard."

Things were starting to look up, because of the beautiful friendship forming between them.

Thank you so much for reading! I hoped you liked this chapter! Apologies for this being so short, but I'll be sure to add more longer chapters to this book soon! Until then, my fiery readers!

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