Chapter 2: The King's Decent

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Early 1400's, Berk, Norway

It was another night in Heaven, with a man and a woman Angel arguing. They seemed to be fighting over one of their children, whether they should dispose of him or not.

Lysandra: "Odin, Alastan is OUR child! Along with our other children! Heaven and Earth needs them someday to protect them from the evil that can possibly consume us!", the Mobian woman wearily shouted.

The man, presumably named Odin, responded to his wife. "I already have enough problems with our second eldest child, Lysandra..I can't have him interfering with my duties. THE AGE OF MY BROTHERS, SISTERS AND I WILL LIVE ON, FOR THE GREAT WAR THAT IS TO COME AGAINST THE TITANS SHALL BE WON!"

Lysandra: "Odin, you can't just have a war against the Titans to see who gets to rule The Father's makes no sense! Let alone the fact that you're pulling our children into this! What did they do?!"

Without a reply, Odin smacked his wife, knocking her to the ground. He then stormed out of the bedroom that they were in, and towards one of the children's bedrooms. The other bedrooms that he passed in the tile house were labeled "Tyr, Hercules, Ares II, Apollo, and Alastan." He walked up to Alastan's bedroom door and kicked it open.

With that, a child who seemed about the age of 13, sprung up. That child, was Alastan.

Alastan: "AH! What in the name of- Father? What do you need at this hour? I'm trying to sleep!", Alastan claimed, staring at his father with bags under his eyes.

Odin answered his son's question. "You are coming with me, my son...I cannot keep you in this realm any longer."

Alastan: "Wait, what do you mean by- WAH!"

Before Alastan could finish his sentence, his hand was grasped forcefully by Odin, and they both vanished in a flash of lightning. When they were gone, another boy rushed into the room, who looked about the age of 17.

"Brother, are you alright?", the boy asked.

"...Brother, are you awake?", he repeated.

The boy's skin was different from Alastan's. Unlike Alastan, who looked like an average human, his skin was a fire-orange, and his two eyes glowed yellow like a Jack-o-lantern, along with his eyebrows and long curly hair that went down to his shoulders. He was scrawny, however. Scrawny enough that you could almost see his ribs showing through his chest, like he was starved every day. The boy kept repeating his name, only to find that he wasn't under the bed covers at all.

"By the gods, ALASTAN!" The boy bolted out, towards his knocked out mother.

"Alastan is missing- AH!", the boy screamed when he saw that his mother was unconscious on the bedroom floor.

Meanwhile, back with Odin and Alastan. The two of them appeared in a flash of lightning above the Enchanted Forest, where the Lillegard family ruled.

Alastan questioned his father, "WHAT IS THIS BLASPHEMY?! WHY DO YOU WANT ME GONE?!"

"That answer is something that you will never get, my son...NOW, BEGONE!", Odin shouted, as he hurled his son down towards the kingdom.

With that, Alastan was sent soaring down like a shooting star, towards the village of Berk, wailing in a mixture of fear and agony of what had happened. And just a moment after, a loud crash was heard in Berk, with Alastan lying in a pile of garbage, bloody and beaten to a pulp.

Thank you for reading! Credit goes to @GodofWar412 for helping me with this chapter. I hope you liked it, and stay tuned, my fiery readers!

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