Peter Parker

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"What's up penis Parker"I hear Flash shout as i walk to school i just ignore him and walk in the school and to my locker to get my books for my first class when i feel something in my shoulder.

"Do you? want to build my new star-wars ship Lego set with me?"I hear my best friend Ned says. I turn around wide eyed "Now way, for real?"I ask him "Yeah, for real are you able to build it together tonight?""I am sorry i can't tonight remember the Stark internship"

"Again come on man since you started the Internship you never have time anymore.""That's not thru."I say "Yeah it is, you all ready quit science and sometimes you just run out of the class"he says "Fine come over tonight we do it then."I say to defend my self.

The bell went so we both walked of to our classes. And i wasn't really paying attention so wen the teacher asks me a question and i answered it right Flash gave me a dead stare.

After school i went to the little store and got some food when i got that i went to an alley and chanced in my spidey suit.

when i was done i went home through my bedroom window on to the ceiling i drop my myself to the floor and pull my mask of i hear something fall on the floor behind me so i turn around and see Ned on my bed with the Star Wars Lego in pieces on the floor. "Y-you-you're spider-man"he says in shock trying his best not to totally. "You can't tell anyone." i say fast slightly panicking"What why?"He asks a little disappointed.

* After explaining everything*
"Alright that explains alot"

"Alright, I don't tell anyone" he tells me.
"Does May know?" He asks me. "No she doesn't,i mean after uncle Ben i don't want her to worry" I tell him as I hear my phone go off. Mr.Stark is calling now o my gosh maybe he as a cool bad guy I need to kick ass.

"Hey my.Stark?" I say as I pick up and point a finger to Ned who is now fryking out even more.
"Hey kid you have to come to the compound Fury wants everyone in the meeting room in 20 minutes." He says.
"Alright I be there, do you know were it is over?" I ask Mr. Stark hopping i could go on my first mission as a Avenger.

"No, but I thing it's about that 'shadow' person that's all over the new reasantly. Just come here kid I already called May that you're staying here the weekend." Mr.Stark says. "Alright see you in Twenty." And with that I hung up and got my spare of my spare backpack and turned to Ned while I grabbed my mask of the floor.
"I've gotta go, don't tell anyone bout me see Monday in class." And with that I climbed out of my window and spiderd to the Avengers compound.

"Hey, I am so sorry I am late."I say as i walk in to the meeting room where everyone already is. "Better don't be late next time mister Parker, But for you're luck we haven't started yet" Mr.Fury says as I sit down in my chair Next to Mr.Stark and Mr.Barnes.

"Now everyone is here, we've got two things to discus one Thor want's to bring Loki to earth to be come an Avenger, Second the Shadow figure I want it of the streets and in a cell."Mr.Fury says 

"Wait what bring Loki here I don't think so." Mr.Barton says sternly "I know how you guys think over him but he has spend 5 years in prison on Asgared an he is not gonna be a better man in there."Thor says.

"That's thru most people who are young and get sent to prison get out even worse."I say trying to help Mr.Thor here "Okay Loki gets here tomorrow Stark already has made power dampeners with Banner so he can't use them. Now can we come with an plan to get the Shadow in who knows maybe she is a Hydra agent or something"Mr.Fury yells asks "Do we have a picture of her or real name or something before she started doing this?" Mr.Rogers asks "We don't have much we've got pictures of her with her mask on we only know she can disappear in shadows and then reaper in an other, she also can control electricity for the rest we don't know yet"Mr.Fury says as a picture of a woman/girl comes on the TV screen behind him.

Fury says as a picture of a woman/girl comes on the TV screen behind him

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(This you but instead of the metal arm it is like a silver sleeve.)

"She is with Hydra ferry skilled fighter, but they whipped her memory ones with the machine on 120% so if were going to get her it's gonna be harder than with me, and if she remembers something it only while be of the time she was with Hydra cause was raised there. She might trust me but I doubt it"Mr.Barnes tells everyone "You mean she hasn't seen anything else then Hydra?" Mr. Barten asks "Yeah, while I was the Winter soldier she was my shadow so if anything would go wrong she would be there but the day you got me they were busy doing experiments on her so she wasn't there."Mr. Barnes explains "You said she maid trust you we can work with that we only have to know where she will show up next." Miss. Romanoff "We have seen her a few times to when we were with Hydra we had to train with her and sometimes if there was a change in location we had to share a cell." Pietro says. "But she never took her mask of and she also doesn't talk"Wanda adds 

"What do you mean she doesn't talk everyone talks?"Thor asks "They made her mute"Mr.Barnes stated as he stood up and left the room.

"Okay Romanoff, Barton, Wanda, Rogers and Barnes are going, after her the seconed we get her location and Parker cause you're late and agreeing with Thor that Loki should come her you can make a room for him ready with Thor"Mr.Fury says as he walks out of the meeting room. 


Thx for reading the second part of
Parkers sister.I know this part it isn't so good but it's just like kinda a introduction of peter or something.  

-did you like this chapter, be honest?

-what do you think of Flash?

-what do you think the meeting is gonna be about?

-do you think this story is gonna be crappy? 

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