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I can't believe I had forgotten all about her, I had promised her we would escape together and I just left her there for 5 months she must think I left her, she is gonna hate me isn't she?
I think to myself.
"Hey, Buck you okay?"Steve asks as he walks in to my room. "I'm fine" I answer as I look trough the window over the field. 

"No, you're not how much do you know about this shadow person?" He asks me as he stands next to me also staring out the window.
" She was a sweet kid when she was younger always talking about anything jumping, running she always just wanted someone to give her attention she never got it..." I say and pause for a second before Steve can say anything I start speaking again.

"They were always doing experiments on her, last year they when they were whipping her memories again when they were done they start asking question like who are you, who is this."

"I heard she still knew who someone was so they put the machine on 120% it  was to painful for her so she blacked out. She woke up in a cell and there Pierce and 2 other persons came in her cell asking questions. She tried to answer but she couldn't cause the machine had done damage on her voice while she was screaming you know. So she couldn't make any sound one of the people had made a deal with one of the other guys he got payed less that weekend and didn't go to lunch with you....."

"Rumlow?" Steve asks as I just go further with my story. "A few days later we had to fight each other we ended up with a tie, after we got put in the same cell and I found out she couldn't talk anymore and I had promised her that we would escape together we stayed together went on missions, till last when I had to kill you they were experimenting on her that day so she wasn't there."I finish my story    

"So were gonna get her out." Steve states "they probably got her under mind control when/if we find her." I tell him "so we have Wanda can't she get them out of her head?" Steve asks I turn to him "What if she will hate me for leaving her there?"

"She won't, and if she does you need to make her forgive you." Steve tells me and walks out of my room.

day LATER*

"We have a location everyone suite up and go to the jet!" Fury yells trough the halls as he walks to the jet.
I got my knifes and gun and went to the jet with Wanda walking behind me.

Were now in the jet and getting to location "Alright, Romanoff you and Barton get the Hydra agents who are next to her! Wanda you try to do one of you're mins tricks or something  so she gets distracted Barnes you and Rogers get her." Fury Orders us everyone as we start to run out of the jet.

 "Buck, Wanda she's by the bridge common!"Steve shouted as we were fighting hydra agents who had seen us coming, I punch one who was charging at me in the face and knocked him out. 

I looked up to were Steve said she was and saw her knock out some rich, scientist  guy who is if I am right is called Harrison Wells or something like that I  ran towards her with My best friend next to me. She saw Nat behind one of the cars and Disappeared in the shadows and popes up behind her and kicked her in the back.Nat quickly stood up and tried to shoot her as Shadow grabbed Nat's wrist and twisted them so the gun fell out of them and threw her over a school bus what stands next to them.

  Clint came out of his hide out and started shouting arrows at her she started fighting him as Clint Swings his bow under her feet so she falls over.

As Clint shoots an other arrow at her she catches it before it hits her shoulder and trows it in Clint's direction and it ended up in his leg as he fell to the ground.

She stood back up as Steve threw his shield at her witch she didn't notice and it hit her back so she fell to the ground. 

As Nat runs to Clint to help him up and goes back to the jet. She fast stands back up again and charges at Steve with a knife. while me and Wanda got distracted by more Hydra guards coming towards us.  When we had the guards down I turned around to were My pal was on the ground, and her with a gun to his head.

"SHADOW!"I yelled to her she looked up at me in confusion and totally distracted from Wanda standing behind her. 'Winter?'Shadow signed to me also forgetting about Steve on the ground in front of her and turns to me raising her gun at me.

"Whoa, Whoa hold on I thought we were friends?"I asked her trying to get her attention to stay by me as Steve stood up.

'You left, without me' she singed. "I know, And I am sorry alright" I told her as she held up her gun hire so it was pointed to my head. Then I saw Wanda's hand by her ear and her passing out I ran towards her and caught her in my arms.

"I am gonna take care of you, they aren't gonna hurt you anymore."I whisper in her ear as we walk to the jet while Wanda Knocks out the rest of the Hydra agents with her powers. 

"Okay, now we got her what do we do?"Wanda asks "Lock her up" Fury says. "No way we're locking her up she was locked up her whole life already!"I  argue

"Exactly the only walls she knows is the walls at Hydra Who knows there still in her head."Fury states simple as guards take the kid out of my arms and walk of the jet as we arrive at the Avenger center. 

"Don't worry, Bucky we'll get her to remember you and teach her how to life other than in a cell" Steve tells me as we walk inside together following the guards to her cell.  

They lay her down on a metal bed with a small mattress on it, On Put there hands by her face and take of her mask revealing the whole face of Shadow and the scare on her neck what she got when Hydra tried to get her voice back but failed. 

"She looks familiar.... she let me think of Peter somehow her face." Pietro say speeding in and standing next to me and Steve. "Yeah, but Parker doesn't have any siblings and his parents are dead"Fury says while walking to the group of three.

"Does he have any relatives? Next to May?"Steve asks. "Ow that reminds me when is Aunt May cooking here again?"Pietro wonders out loud.  When he first met May he said hey aunt may cause Peter said it and it kinda stuck.

"So far I know is Miss Parker the only one left but I tell Banner to look in to it"Fury says as he walks out of the room with cell in it. 

"So does one of you know how young the cute girl is?" Pietro asks looking at me and Steve.
We glance at each otter before I response "No idea. I think maybe 16 or 17 maybe?"I told the fast boy "I thought she looked more like 18"Steve says as we all look back at the girl in the cell who is sleeping in a uncomfortable position.


Yay new part is done I just wanted to tell you guys that I am a slow writer so I am not sure if I can finish a chapter every week. So if you're interested in this story I am sorry if it takes to long sometimes. 

Few questions>>

- what you think of this chapter?

- did you like how 'Shadow'reacted when she saw James?

- Do you think she can leave the cell soon?

-Will she be trusted ?

 -how do you want her and Peter to react when they find out there siblings?   

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