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As soon as Harry walked into the bakery, a wave of calm took over. There was a comforting smell of vanilla and cinnamon and homey fairy lights were strung up. There were a couple of tables around the bakery and one of them had what looked like a young couple, maybe sixteen or so,  sharing a slice of cake. 

Harry walked up to the till and looked into the eyes of the person working it. He had strikingly blue eyes and a warm smile. The man at the counter had dark brown roots and overgrown blonde tips (Harry figured he needed to touch up his roots). He was fetching a doughnut for a girl who looked around nine and her mother. Harry smiled at the girl and waited until they had walked away to introduce himself. 

"Hullo there, what can I help y'with today?" The man at the register asked, his smile even wider than before. 

"I-I'm Harry, Styles, and I work here?" Harry asked awkwardly. "Err, I was hired by Joann over the phone? Today's my first day," 

The man nodded. "Right, Jo did mention a new employee. I'm Niall. I'll put Georgia on the till and I'll show you the ropes," 

Harry was instantly grateful. Niall seemed like a very nice person and he was glad to start working with him. 

"Georgia Rose, register please?" Niall shouted to the back area, where Harry assumed the kitchen was. 

A young woman walked up front, her caramel hair tucked into a messy bun and flour on her apron. 

"Oh, hello! You must be Harry!" She smiled at him, "I'm Georgia Rose, but you can call me Georgie," 

Harry nodded and shook her hand, exchanging pleasantries, before walking to the kitchen with Niall. 

"Here's the 'andwashing station, that's where we hang our aprons, and through this door," Niall paused for effect, wiggling his fingers at Harry, "Is where the magic happens," Harry laughed and followed behind Niall through a push door. 

"Every morning, we sanitise the whole area. There's a box of disposable gloves and that door over there is the storage and there's the freezer. That small station is where we make allergy-safe foods; the whole kitchen has to be sanitised beforehand." 

Harry looked slightly overwhelmed, but he managed to nod appropriately to Niall. 

"You'll get the hang of it. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me or Georgie." Niall led Harry back out of the kitchen but they stayed behind the counter. 

This part Niall whispered. "There's the emergency button. You hit it twice and the police come right away,"

"Oh my god, why? What happened?" Harry looked shocked. 

"Just a few break-ins. An old employee was held at gunpoint by this guy who like, totally hated Joann. He quit after that and moved to Denmark, even though the guy was put away for like, 10 years or something," Niall shrugged, "It's been a while, though, so don't worry. It's only there for emergencies." 

Harry sighed quietly in relief. 

It seemed as though Niall wasn't done talking yet. "Here's a list of the numbers we have: my personal, Georgie's personal, the shop's, and Joann's personal." Harry took a picture of the piece of paper stuck to the counter with tape. 

Harry spoke very slowly compared to Niall. "You seem cool. You're very... enthusiastic," Harry noted. 

"Eh, sorry, mate." Niall said, but he was smiling widely. "Haven't gotten to tour anyone around 'ere in ages. You seem cool as well," Niall bumped his shoulder into Harry's. 

Harry grinned.

"D'you wanna get a drink sometime? As friends?" Niall asked. 

Harry grinned. "I'd love that. I'm new in Doncaster and I haven't any friends, so that would be lovely," 

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