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"I'll get it!" Louis shouted into the apartment. 

He walked over to the door after pausing the episode of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. he was on - The One Where Ross and Rachel Take a Break - and opened it. 

Louis took a few seconds to admire the man in front of him. Tall, gorgeous hair, oooh tattoos. Damn. This hot guy was exactly Louis' type. 

"Hello!" Louis said cheerily. Strange, the guy had yet to look up at Louis. 

"Hi, I'm your new neighbour," his neighbour looked up, "Holy fuck, famous!" 

Louis started laughing. He couldn't help himself; this gorgeous, tattooed guy looked so embarrassed! His cheeks were even tinted a rosy red. 

"I mean, uhm, hello, I'm your new neighbour in 30," the neighbour - what did Niall say his name was? - said, smiling sheepishly.

"'S very nice to meet you. Would you like to come in?" 

The man nodded and followed Louis into the flat, closing the door behind him. 

"You can set those on the counter, they look amazing." Louis gestured to the counter. 

The neighbour set the plate and Tupperware down. Niall was sat on the couch still, texting furiously to someone. 

"'Ello, Niall," 

"Harry, mate, hello! Ooh, did you make cookies?" Niall stood up and turned off his phone. 

"I did, yes. I was hoping you could taste them and give me feedback? They're my own recipe," The neighbour - that's right, Harry! - said as Niall walked over to the counter.  

"Sure," Niall picked one up and took a bite. "Jesus, Harry, these are amazing!" 

Harry smiled at the praise and opened his mouth to respond but before he could do that, Zayn had walked out of the bathroom and back into the living area. 

"Who's that?" Zayn's voice made both Harry and Louis jump. 

"Oh, shit, where are my manners? It's very nice to meet you, I'm Harry Styles." Harry extended a hand to Louis. 

Louis shook it. "Louis Tomlinson, pleasure," 

"Zayn Malik." Zayn walked over and shook Harry's hand. 

"Would you like to sit?" Harry nodded and muttered a thanks, his cheeks ablaze. 

Niall was back on the sofa, and he had three cookies in his hand. Harry laughed out loud at the sight but covered his mouth quickly. Zayn sat on Niall's right, Louis sat on Niall's left, and Harry sat in the loveseat. 

The episode was still paused, and Zayn encouraged conversation. 

"So, Harry, what are you doing in Doncaster?" 

Harry took a few deep breaths and tried to pull himself out of his thoughts. FAMOUS!! 

"Well, I got accepted into Doncaster University and I really like the area. I figured a flat might be a better long-term investment because when I graduate, I'll still have a place to live. Oh, also, my friend Nick and I have an arrangement with the flat; I get it furnished if I allocate some of the rent to him." 

Harry spoke very slowly but Zayn was listening intently the whole time and maintaining eye contact. Louis, on the other hand, wasn't really listening. He was checking Harry out. 

"What're you getting a degree in?" Niall pitched in to the conversation; apparently cookies and Reddit could only entertain him for so long. 

"Oh, I'm gonna take a whole bunch of courses, but I'll get my degree in music." 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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