Chapter 2:Walcoming a sex demon

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1st POV:

I sighed as I looked at the cloud covered sky from my window.

FlashbackI sighed as I looked at the cloud covered sky from my window

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I went to the into my closet putting on my hoodie and a pear of ripped f/c jean's and walked to the door of my room opening it and walking down the hallway of my house passing my music room and walking down the stairs and looked at my perant's that sat on the couch reading a Bible but stopped and looked up at me with a forced smile when they saw my piercings.

"Good morning Y/n might I ask why do you have those things in your ear."my mother asked in a bitter sweet voice looking at my left ear that was the only ear I pierced.

I walked over to the couch totally ignoring the question and sitting down on the opposite side of the couch looking at them with my normal bull look and started talking.

"I have something to tell you both."

They both looked at me with a questioning look as my father started talking.

"Go on then what is it you want to talk about."

I took a deep breath as I looked into there eye's.

"I know this might be hard for you to hear and it might disappoint you but I'm gay/bi/hero/ect."

My perant's said in shock and disgust as I looked at them with no emotions knowing my I was right about having back up plans just in case.

"No child of mine will have this kind of sin in there blood leave this house you disgusting f*got!!"

My mother got up and was about to slap me but I graved her hand just as she was about to slap me.

I looked at her shoked eyes and got up myself and well squeezing her wrist not to hard looking at her with a glare as I dropped her wrist just as I heard the front door open and three voice's were heard.

"The only thing disgusting here is the way you show love to your children by forcing your beliefs on us that's what's disgusting!!"I shouted back to my perant's as I heard three sets of foot's steps coming to the living room looking at the entrance I saw my brother's they looked at what's going on in front of them.

I sighed out and walked to my room with my brother's behind me and began packing my things while they asked what happened.

"I told them that I liked guys and know I'm moving to Paris with uncle G."

I said and looked at there shocked face's they had tears in there eye's and ran up to me and hugged me tightly shouting at me not to go but I sighed hugging back and let them cry it out into my hoodie.

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