The Truth about Monsters

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So, up until now, dear Reader you have been brought on a journey of fantasy and confusion and conspiracy and despair. I have not been very kind to you though, if you think about it, for I started in the middle of a tangle of literary details that don't add up to much. So, please forgive me, I can explain. With your permission I would like to start where all great books begin: at the actual beginning and with the central character : Molly Mara.

Now I know what you are thinking: " What is this narrator talking about? Molly WHO?" But bear with me, it should all start to make more sense soon enough. The seven short chapters leading up to this one have been fantastical ramblings and adventures of Mabel, a little Blue Haired Monster living in Zekial. Her mother died unexpectedly and then she disappears into a portal to another world. A parallel world where she is held captive working in the Sokeri mines of Zekial. She is recruited by her mother to find ten courageous children and eventually devise a plan to take down the evil Percers. This already seems very confusing and I can explain why now. You see all this storyline is living inside the mind of our central character. Molly Mara.

Molly is our our protagonist. She is a writer. Just to make sure I do not go off track from here on in I shall share the LOGLINE of the story and then do into more detail around Story Worlds, Characters and Plotpoints.

So this is her story, tentative title: The Molly Chronicles


When Molly Mara, a graphic novelist, is faced with the accidental death of her husband, she is determined to finish the last chapter of her serial sci-fi novel called CODE RED. In spite of debilitating writer's block she sits at her desk every day and stares at the blank page for hours. One day she gets a surprise visit from an eccentric actor who impersonates her novel's leading man, Beacon Balthazar. He begins harassing her to change major plot points in her novel. When she finally decides to call the police he reveals to her that her husband was seen the night before at a local pub and she is told to phone him. Despite her anger and shock Molly races to find her husband and express her guilt about his death.  She decides to immortalize him in her her last novel.

Okay, so not the best longline in the world but it is better than nothing. Right? Please do't answer that. I'm tired enough from all this rambling already.

Let's start with day one: The Ordinary World

Everyday Molly would go to the local depanneur and buy herself her favourite candy. Lemon toffee sticks. They were SOOOOO good. Molly would feel herself transported whenever the candy would enter her mouth. Her tongue covered in the powdery sweet flavour and the chewy texture was enough o send her into paroxysms of joy.

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