Chapter One

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Welcome to my story.
This is after the anime ending, just so ya know.
Anyway let's get started.
Sasaki's POV.

My vision is blurry as I open my eyes. A million questions form in my head, one asking who I am. I can't seem to remember anything about me. What happened?

I hear the beeping of a machine and assume I'm in a hospital. My vision starts to clear and the room I'm in is quite large. Medical equipment is all around me and I hear talking in a different room. I block it out and examine my body. I guess you could say I'm skinny and definitely pale.

"Hey, Stranger. I see that you've woken up!" A voice says to the left of me. I look quickly to see whom is talking to me. A male that looks close to his 20s sits in a bed across from me. He had orange hair which was a little long, but it looked well on him.
It was spikey, too. His eyes were brown, he looked like a fun guy. I wonder why he was here. Well, maybe he will tell me.

"Uh..hi..?" I manage to get out. Hm, I guess I'm a kind of awkward person. He smiles. "Apparently, I'm Hideyoshi.. Hideyoshi Nagachika. That's a little long, so I guess call me Hide. Heh. I lost my memory, so I have no choice but to trust what they tell me." His name sounds familiar.. and it made me sad for an unknown reason.

He laughs a little and rubs his cheek. "They say that there was a war against ghouls. I got injured out there. So, I guess I had a near-death experience in my life!" He points at his stomach, "Around here was the wound. It's all good now, though! Except for my"

"....I lost my memory, too.. Maybe I was in the war as well....?" I say slowly. " all did they tell you?" I question. I don't really have anything to talk about myself. Since I lost my memory.. and haven't talked to a doctor.

Hide taps his chin. "Well, they said I'm 19. Told my weight, height, that stuff. And that I graduated at Kamii University. Oh, and of course, that I'm a ghoul investigator!" I nod and smile just as a nurse comes in. Her skin is tan, she has black hair, and a white nurse uniform on. She smiles as she glances at me.

"Aw, Mr. Sasaki, you've awoken!" She exclaims. Oh, so that's my name. Sasaki... I smile kindly, and look at her pin. Laura Joy. "Um.. Ms. Joy, I'm afraid I don't remember anything." She nods and lifts up a clipboard that was in her hands. "That was expected. Your situation was very grave. We didn't expect you to even survive. You're very lucky, Haise Sasaki. Would you like me to tell you the information we have on you?"

I nod, eager to have as much information about myself as I can. Laura flips a page on her clipboard and starts reading the words on it. She told me the same basic information as Hide recieved, nothing more...but she didn't tell me my occupation. Did I not have one? She says I got injured in the war but...What was my role in this war?

Wait a second. My age, 19.. I went to Kamii University, but never graduated... And Hideyoshi Nagachika sounded familar. Does Hide relate to my past? If so, how did we both end up in the same situation? This is strange...

The nurse leaves after she speaks with Hide. So, he woke up two days ago and is heading home today.. Does he even know where home is? I don't need to worry, he probably has it all figured out.

Hide gets up and grabs the clothes provided for him. "Hey, Sasaki. Have you ever wondered why nurses always wear white uniforms when they could, by chance, get blood on it?" I shake my head slowly and smile a little. "Nurses don't usually get around blood. They usually assess people's state of being and keep medical records. They rarely have a role in surgeries or anything like that. Plus, they wear an apron over their uniform so it doesn't get stained." He chuckled and glanced at me. "You see, that's why I said 'By chance'."

"Oh. Eh..I don't know then..." He laughed a little again and went to change. The orange haired investigator came back after a moment, dressed in regular clothes. He had a long yellow button down shirt on and blue jeans. Hide grabbed his bag and looked around with a sigh, then turned his attention to me.

"Hey, since we were pretty much in the same situation, want to join back in this world together as friends?" He asks me. I smile lightly with a nod. "Mm, sure." The male beams and holds out his hand for me to shake. I take it, my smile growing wider. It's nice having someone to be your friend, especially when you lost whomever used to be in your life due to amnesia.

Hide soon leaves the hospital, the room suddenly giving me a lonely feeling. My stomach growls, why haven't I recieved food yet? This hospital is lousy...I lay back and stare at the ceiling.

Soon, someone opens the door of my room. I sit up and see a male with white hair and square glasses. He had a white coat on, too. Plus, a briefcase in his hands. He looks at me and says hello. I stare at him in the eyes.


So, this is mah HideKane fanfiction.
Please comment and vote if you like it XD.
It will probably take me forever to update, so.. just so you know XD
Sorry, I'll work on that
Stay tuned

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