Chapter Thirteen

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Tiffany's POV: 

A few days passed and every time I'm around Kyle it's tense. I get up early at six every morning so I can go for a run and then practice my powers in the backyard. I can now transport from one place to another at a really fast speed, which is pretty cool. 

Tyler decided to start teaching me self defence just in case something happens. That's how I learn't my transportation power. When it first happened I was just shocked, but then Tyler explained to me what happened and I actually understood.

Kyle hasn't trained me in a while and I guess it could be both a good and bad thing. A good thing, cause it gives me a break from his attitude and a bad thing cause I kinda miss him. Yes I just said I miss him

Turns out, the plan worked and whatever Tyler was trying to prove was right. He still didn't tell me what he proved but I guess I figured it out. But I still refuse to believe it.

"Hey! Kyle!" I call out as he passes me in the kitchen.

He stops, looks at me and then narrows his eyes. "You're suppose to be training, not stuffing your face with food." 

"Well sor-ry I needed a break from training too much. I was just going to ask if you wanted to train with me today but you know what? Never mind." I snap. Pushing the plate of pancakes away from me I get up, glare at Kyle one last time and make a break for the backyard. 

He's just so damn rude. Why did I even bother to ask? Next time I won't even bother- there absolutely won't be a next time. Such a jerk.

All this adrenaline is now making me feel, I don't know- different. Powerful. Very powerful. So I take off in an inhuman speed and run around the garden a few times, using my transportation power to transport to another spot in the garden every now and then. This will help me get used to it. 

I can feel a pair of eyes watching me, but I don't need to look to know who it is. 

I suddenly stop, putting a hand against a tree to keep my balance, and the other to hold my head to help sooth the pain. But I start feeling dizzy. My head is starting to feel heavy and I don't know for sure but I think someone is calling my name. I suddenly feel like I'm about to throw up.

"Tiffany! Stay with me!" 

I feel a pair of hand on both my shoulder's but I'm too dizzy to even be sure.

"I-I don't f-feel too go-" I get cut off by something traveling up my throat, I puke it up and the last thing I remember hearing was someone lifting me up and a light laugh, along with someone grumbling about their favourite shirt. 

Kyle's POV: 

"Tiffany! Stay with me!" I yell trying to keep her conscious. Putting my hands on both her shoulders to keep her steady.

"I-I don't f-feel too go-" She cuts herself off and next second I feel the warmth of her vomit on me and her body limp on my shoulder. I quickly catch her, holding her steady. 


"Tiffany! Tiffany!" I call again, but she's out cold. Now I'm worried. 

I hear hurried foot steps behind me and Tyler's quick to act, he picks Tiffany up in his arms, but he starts laughing when he see's me, covered in her vomit.

"This is my favourite shirt too." I grumble. But I snap out of it fast, "Is Tiffany going to be ok?" I ask him, my tone full of concern, trying to keep up with him walking back to the house.

"She's going to be just fine." Tyler tells me. "She just needs to rest. And she was, I left her in the kitchen with her breakfast. Now here's something you can explain. Why was her plate still filled with food when Tiffany normally eats the whole plate?" 

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